"The sleeping giant is one name for the public; when it wakes up, when *we* wake up, we are no longer only the public, we are civil society, the superpower whose nonviolent means are sometimes, for a shining moment, more powerful than violence, more powerful than regimes and armies".
Rebecca Solnit - Hope In The Dark
#WeAreMany #Resist #EnoughIsEnough #RiseLikeLions #Solidarity #SupportTheStrikes #music #bookstodon #ProtestMarches ✊
Country Joe McDonald - Kiss My Ass
#wearemany #resist #enoughisenough #RiseLikeLions #solidarity #SupportTheStrikes #music #bookstodon #protestmarches
RT @LabourKeriHowe@twitter.com
Our health is OUR wealth
Privatisation is a parasite patients and NHS workers cannot afford.
Hands off OUR NHS❗
#WeDemandBetter💪 https://twitter.com/BMA_JuniorDocs/status/1595855346706300930
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/LabourKeriHowe/status/1596071560158146560
#RiseLikeLions #JoinAUnion #WeDemandBetter
Solidarity to @CWUnews who have an extraordinary 170,000 members going on strike in the coming weeks. We will support every picket line we can and encourage others to do the same. #RiseLikeLions