An Interview by Facção Fictícia with Tekoşîna Anarşîst: About Turkish invasion, #coronavirus situation in NE #Syria and different aspects of revolution and organizing in the field of Syrian civil war - Read more: #RiseUp4Revolution #Rojava #antireport
#antireport #Rojava #RiseUp4Revolution #syria #coronavirus
Entrevista: ¿Por qué las sanciones 'César' afectan a NES y cómo se puede prevenir? - Cheleng Omer, economistaé-las-sanciones-César-afectan-a-NES-y-cómo-se-puede-prevenir---Cheleng-Omer-economista-07-28 via #Kurdistan #freeOcalan #rojava #ypj #ypg #turquia #riseup4rojava #riseup4revolution #womendefendrojava #womendefendKurdistan
#kurdistan #freeocalan #rojava #ypj #ypg #turquia #riseup4rojava #RiseUp4Revolution #womendefendrojava #WomenDefendKurdistan
Otro asesinato en Deir ez-Zor via #Kurdistan #freeOcalan #rojava #ypj #ypg #turquia #isis #riseup4rojava #riseup4revolution #womendefendrojava #womendefendKurdistan
#kurdistan #freeocalan #rojava #ypj #ypg #turquia #isis #riseup4rojava #RiseUp4Revolution #womendefendrojava #WomenDefendKurdistan
¡Aquí tienes! La primera edición ya está disponible en línea! ---> No te olvides de compartir este twitter y nuestra revista, así como de enviarnos comentarios ¡Serkftin! #RiseUp4Revolution #Legerin
Fa huit anys, la major revolució del segle 21 començà en #Kobane, es va estendre per tot el Nord-est de Síria i derrotant Daesh/Isis.
El 18 & 19 de Juliol serà el temps de #RiseUp4Revolution per tot arreu!
#Kurdistan #freeOcalan #bashur #hpg #yjastar #rojava #ypj #ypg #turquia
#kobane #RiseUp4Revolution #kurdistan #freeocalan #bashur #hpg #yjastar #rojava #ypj #ypg #turquia
Eight years ago, the biggest revolution of the 21st century started in #Kobane, spread through all of North-East Syria and defeating DAESH.
On 18th & 19th July will be time for #RiseUp4Revolution worldwide!
#Kurdistan #freeOcalan #bashur #hpg #yjastar #rojava #ypj #ypg #turquia
#kobane #RiseUp4Revolution #kurdistan #freeocalan #bashur #hpg #yjastar #rojava #ypj #ypg #turquia
Eight years ago, the biggestrevolution of the 21st century started in #Kobane, spread through all of North-East Syria anddefeating DAESH.
On 18th & 19th July will be time for #RiseUp4Revolution worldwide!
#Kurdistan #freeOcalan #bashur #hpg #yjastar #rojava #ypj #ypg #turquia
#kobane #RiseUp4Revolution #kurdistan #freeocalan #bashur #hpg #yjastar #rojava #ypj #ypg #turquia
We call to everyone who thinks that injustice, oppression, patriachy, ecological destruction and autoritarism should be destroyed to go out, to organize actions for 18th&19th July! #RiseUp4Revolution #Erdogan #Kurdistan #freeOcalan #bashur #hpg #yjastar #heftanîn #rojava #ypj
#RiseUp4Revolution #erdogan #kurdistan #freeocalan #bashur #hpg #yjastar #heftanîn #rojava #ypj
Erdogan tracta de trencar la Resistència en tot el Mig Orient, en Libia, Síria, Iraq, tot el Kurdistan, Grècia, Xipre, i més. Sabem com va començar el feixisme el segle passat, no els deixarem altra vegada!
#Antifa #heftanîn #rojava #freeOcalan #hpg #ypj #ypg
#RiseUp4Revolution #antifa #heftanîn #rojava #freeocalan #hpg #ypj #ypg
Erdogan is trying to break resistance in the whole of Middle East, in Lybia, Syria, Iraq, the whole of Kurdistan, Greece, Cyprus, and more. We know how fascism started last century, we won't allow it again!
#Antifa #heftanîn #rojava #freeOcalan #hpg #ypj #ypg
#RiseUp4Revolution #antifa #heftanîn #rojava #freeocalan #hpg #ypj #ypg
Is time to fight back, it is time to build up! 18th&19th July, on the 8th anniversary of Rojava's revolution, we'll fight worldwide for direct democracy, women's liberation and social ecology!
#heftanîn #rojava #freeOcalan #Kurdistan #bashur #hpg #yjastar
#RiseUp4Revolution #heftanîn #rojava #freeocalan #kurdistan #bashur #hpg #yjastar
On 18th & 19th July, we'll rise upto defend the Rojava Revolution on its anniversary, for defending South of Kurdistan from Turkish attacks but especially for radical democracy worldwide!
#heftanîn #rojava #freeOcalan #bashur #hpg #yjastar #turquia #ypj #ypg
#RiseUp4Revolution #heftanîn #rojava #freeocalan #bashur #hpg #yjastar #turquia #ypj #ypg
Lo que fa la #Revolució de tsn especial és que fa de l'alliberament de la dona el seu punt de partida pel canvi de la societat.
El Patriarcat no pot ser reformat, cal acabar amb ell per alliberar la societat.
Jin Jiyan Azadî!
#revolució #RiseUp4Revolution #heftanîn #rojava #freeocalan
What makes the Rojava Revolution so special is that it takes the liberation of women as the main starting point for change in society.
Patriarchy cannot be reformed, it must be overthrown to liberate society!
Jin Jiyan Azadî!
#RiseUp4Revolution #heftanîn #rojava #freeocalan