Poetry News · @haikubot
949 followers · 10341 posts · Server mastodon.cloud
Sten Eikrem · @Storesteinen
43 followers · 67 posts · Server infosec.exchange

@jerry Thats unfortunate, but understandable.

It seems like its not easy for folks if your not having an background from or to know that in every country there are forces working for and depending on your for .

I've always put squarly in the good category due to the great work they do and they are a great resource for community and anyone else working to improve cybersecurity in private life, companies and countries.

If you and your commuity truly is a target or interest of or community attention, I'm not sure is the right type of platform for you.

and from seems to always find a way when they focus their efforts and the massive resources anyways and from my perspective, I'm struggeling to see how blocking would make any significant in such regard.

#enterprise #military #government #good #threatactor #threatlandscape #threatmodeling #bad #cisa #infosec #nationstate #lawenforcement #intelligence #mastodon #agencies #infosecexchange #RiskReduction

Last updated 2 years ago

@selmurr @cisa @CISAjen If were to stand up its own instance, that might be a good way to engage with stakeholders and the community in a controlled environment.

#cisa #mastodon #infosec #RiskReduction

Last updated 2 years ago

12 followers · 8 posts · Server infosec.exchange

BASIC has published three reports as part of the ' in the ' project. The authors of the reports will be presenting their findings during a virtual conference on 10th November, at 5pm (GMT). Register here: basicint.org/rr-arctic-22/

#RiskReduction #arctic

Last updated 2 years ago