Finished up some #minis (ghouls, fiends, flingers, and rotters) for #rangersofshadowdeep (and other #tabletop games).
I talk about them over on the blog in more detail if anyone is interested:
#rosd #dnd #oathmark #miniatures #minipainting #miniaturepainting
#minis #rangersofshadowdeep #tabletop #RoSD #DnD #oathmark #miniatures #minipainting #miniaturepainting
Here's some quick and dirty 'stairs' that I've put together in a bit of a hurry for tomorrow's #rangersofshadowdeep game.
(note that even though the game is played out on a flat table - this next scenario takes place on something akin to the Stairs of Cirith Ungol - so you have to imagine the board being at a very steep angle)
So yeah, they're nothing special to look at - but they should get the job done :)
#rangersofshadowdeep #RoSD #ttrpg #skirmish #miniatures #terrain
Started work one some ghoul flingers for #rangersofshadowdeep (they're mostly mantic ghouls with some extra bits added from their zombie models, and also a few bits from the frostgrave gnolls and cultist sprues from Northstar).
And I've tried to make it look as though they are carrying lots of junk around with them (to throw at the heroes ;) ) - which will (hopefully) also help to differentiate them from my regular ghouls.
Now I just need to splash some paint on 'em
#rangersofshadowdeep #minis #miniatures #RoSD
Here's a (rare) blog post where I show/talk about some of the stuff I've been up to recently (spoilers, it's mostly about making bits and pieces for #rangersofshadowdeep )...
#rangersofshadowdeep #RoSD #ttrpg #DnD #miniatures #terrainbuilding
Here's the quick setup I used for tonight's #rangersofshadowdeep game (the upper level of Tor Varden).
It wasn't a particularly great setup - but it worked well enough I think 🙂 (plus, we survived and leveled up - so I'm calling it a win :D ).
I'll be needing a bunch of ghouls for #rangersofshadowdeep at some point - so (just like I did with the frostgrave gnolls), I thought I'd have a go at getting a bunch of mantic models painted up reasonably quickly.
So the process for these was:
pic 1: primed
pic 2: base coated
pic 3: washes
pic 4: varnished and based
And considering they've not had any highlights at all, I'm pretty pleased with the results :) ...I think they'll be plenty good enough :D
#rangersofshadowdeep #RoSD #minipainting #minis #miniatures
Not a great pic... but here's the starting layout for tonight's Shadow Deep game (the lower level of Tor Varden):
(note that it's lacking scatter terrain at the moment - as the rooms are determined randomly as you make your way through)
#rosd #rangersofshadowdeep #ttrpg #terrainbuilding #papercraft #rpgs #rpgterrain
#RoSD #rangersofshadowdeep #ttrpg #terrainbuilding #papercraft #rpgs #rpgterrain
#rangersofshadowdeep #RoSD #DnD #ttrpg #miniatures
Getting a few bits and pieces ready for some Rangers of Shadow Deep later on today... fingers crossed 🙂
#RoSD #rangersofshadowdeep #terrain
Finished up my #frostgrave gnolls for #rangersofshadowdeep (only a quick paint job for these - basically just basecoats and washes).
And I think they've turned out OK :) (considering I've not done any highlights on them at all).
So yeah... my goal of trying to be less fussy, and just be happy with stuff that's a decent tabletop standard is off to a good start I think :)
#frostgrave #rangersofshadowdeep #miniatures #minis #minipainting #RoSD #DnD
Giant spider encounters have always been a bit of a favourite of mine, and since I've recently picked up #rangersofshadowdeep it seemed like the perfect time to make a few bits and pieces (as I'll need most of this stuff for the first few missions).
As is usual, it's just made from paper printouts (which I've designed in photoshop) that I've then glued onto/around various bits and pieces.
Anyway, hope you like 'em :)
#rangersofshadowdeep #ttrpg #terrain #miniatures #DnD #pathfinder #RoSD
Messing around with some more stuff for the first scenario of #rangersofshadowdeep again…
…basically, the first mission requires a few small houses that #miniatures can go inside of (in search of a 'clue').
So, rather than go with the usual 'removable roof' type of building (that I'd have to build from scratch) I've instead opted to make a simple tile to sit under a few buildings that I've already made :)
As such, I can simply set the building to one side when someone enters it!
#rangersofshadowdeep #miniatures #RoSD
Since I recently picked up the Rangers of Shadowdeep book, I thought I'd make some 'clue' tokens/markers :)
(note that the idea here is that I can keep them separate, and just add them to other bits of scatter terrain to give them some variety and/or to tie them into whatever scenario I might be running... if that makes sense)
#rangersofshadowdeep #RoSD #rpgterrain
Yay... my copy of Rangers of Shadow Deep arrived today.
Boo... the corner is crushed...
...which is not a big deal in the grand scheme of things - but it is one of my bugbears - especially when it appears to have been shipped this way (i.e. the outer packaging was intact).
Oh well 🤷‍♂️
Getting scenery prepared for #RoSD #RangersOfShadowDeep scenarios, “The Burning Light”. All styrofoam ready for painting, now.
More work in progress on the new, recessed scenario board and infill tiles, as well as scatter for #RoSD #RangersOfShadowDeep and #DnD.
#RoSD #rangersofshadowdeep #DnD
Some work in progress on scenario specific areas ready for the next #RoSD #RangersofShadowDeep scenario. Will also end up as #DnD scenery, too.
#RoSD #rangersofshadowdeep #DnD