Germany: Bus overturns on highway, injuring dozens
#overturned #warsaw #magdeburg #highway #RoadAccident #bus
Are first responders being trained to deal with car crashes and injured victims involving EVs and FF cars? 🤔
Electricity + fuel is surely a lethal perfect storm?
#evs #RoadAccident #firstresponders #trafficaccidentsandsafety
#evs #RoadAccident #firstresponders #trafficaccidentsandsafety
RT @WIC_News: Elena Kountoura attends SOS Traffic Crimes event on International Day of Remembrance for Traffic Victims
#ElenaKountoura #latestnews #breakingnews #wicnews #Trafficcrimes #trafficaccident #roadaccident #roadvictims
#ElenaKountoura #latestnews #breakingnews #wicnews #Trafficcrimes #trafficaccident #RoadAccident #RoadVictims
ಬೆಂಗಳೂರು: ರಸ್ತೆಗುಂಡಿಯಿಂದ ಮತ್ತೊಂದು ಅಪಘಾತ, ಬೈಕ್ ಹಿಂಬದಿ ಸವಾರ ಸಾವು
#RoadAccident #potholes
The winner of 🎖️#ERSCAwards21 Local/public authorities category🎖️ @Corkcoco is using #virtualreality to tackle #RoadSafety among young drivers. Their initiative ➡️ lets learners experience what it's like to be involved in a #RoadAccident. @Transport_EU
#ERSCAwards21 #virtualreality #RoadSafety #RoadAccident
தற்கொலை, சாலைவிபத்து, சிறுவர்களின் குற்றச்செயல்களில் தமிழகம் 2வது இடம்! தேசிய குற்ற ஆவணக்காப்பகம் தகவல்.. via
#Suicides #ACCIDENT #RoadAccident #juvinelle #Crime #NCRB #NCRBReport
#NCRBReport #NCRB #crime #juvinelle #RoadAccident #accident #suicides
Did I mention I had my first #bicycle #RoadAccident on Saturday afternoon?
(Length: 1 min 8 sec)
Footage from a crappy #ActionCam mounted on the handlebar of my #bike. No anti-shake or stabilization. May cause motion sickness to some people.
Edited with the #VideoEditor in #Windows11. I didn't edit with #DaVinciResolve. Hadn't done any serious editing in a long time now. 😕
I'm not always wobbly when I ride, like in that intersection.
I've improved.
Promise. ✋🤓
#bicycle #RoadAccident #ActionCam #bike #videoeditor #windows11 #davinciresolve
Thanks 😊
Stupid fool riding like that. And in the middle of a wide multi-lane intersection! He was on a #motorcycle, I was riding my heavy #MountainBike. Thankfully no other [larger] vehicle was involved.
No actual harm done. Except for my bike's tire mark on his right calf. 🙄
I have yet to check the video.
That was so very dumb. He doesn't deserve his driver's license.
#bikes #bicycles #RoadAccident #SafetyFirst
#motorcycle #MountainBike #bikes #bicycles #RoadAccident #SafetyFirst
Better By Bicycle? Well, sort of. 😕
This is my 25th ride since I got my bike last year. (Yes, I need to ride more.)
Aborted solo ride to join the Better By Bicycle event. Did my own confused* city ride in the rain instead, about 1.5+ hours.
Oh yeah, had my first #bicycle #RoadAccident. 😱
Totally the other guy's fault. ☝️😅
I'm still in one piece and so is my #bike.
You should see the other guy.
(Just kidding. He's fine.)
Will post more later. 🤪
சாலை விபத்துகளில் இந்தியா முதலிடம்! அமைச்சர் நிதின்கட்கரி தகவல்… via
#Accidents #roadaccident #India
#india #RoadAccident #accidents
விவசாயிகள் போராட்டத்தின் போது செங்கோட்டையில் அத்துமீறி நுழைந்த நடிகர் தீப் சித்து சாலை விபத்தில் உயிரிழந்தார் via
#DeepSidhu #Sidhu #FarmersProtest #RoadAccident #KMP #Haryana
#haryana #KMP #RoadAccident #farmersprotest #Sidhu #deepsidhu