We need to revive the pejorative and start using it early and often.


Last updated 1 year ago

If you can't a , then…




DID YOU KNOW are the modern day , modern-day , modern-day and ?

So what to do?

#patent #service #bigtech #mafia #RobberBaron #pirates #slaveowners

Last updated 3 years ago

It documented in graphs that going off the gold standard completely in 1971 started extreme . Wealth transfers to the , productivity gains not leading to more leisure time etc.

In 1913, was created and we had some pretty bad wars after that too.

Have you seen the documentary? Conolly traces things back to the Era to the present. It's the best history lesson anyone could get.

#corporatism #CEOs #thefed #richMansTrick #RobberBaron

Last updated 4 years ago