We need to revive the pejorative #RobberBaron and start using it early and often.
If you can't #patent a #service, then…
DID YOU KNOW #BigTech are the modern day #mafia, modern-day #robberBaron, modern-day #pirates and #slaveOwners?
So what to do?
#patent #service #bigtech #mafia #RobberBaron #pirates #slaveowners
It documented in graphs that going off the gold standard completely in 1971 started extreme #corporatism. Wealth transfers to the #CEOs, productivity gains not leading to more leisure time etc.
In 1913, #TheFed was created and we had some pretty bad wars after that too.
Have you seen the #RichMansTrick documentary? Conolly traces things back to the #RobberBaron Era to the present. It's the best history lesson anyone could get.
#corporatism #CEOs #thefed #richMansTrick #RobberBaron