Congratulations Louise Harper, our lucky newsletter subscriber who's just won a full set of #WalterScottPrize for #HistoricalFiction shortlisted books!
Q: Who do you think will take home the £25,000 Prize tomorrow?
THESE DAYS by #LucyCaldwell
ACT OF OBLIVION by #RobertHarris
THE CHOSEN by #ElizabethLowry
THE SUN WALKS DOWN by #FionaMcFarlane
ANCESTRY by #SimonMawer
I AM NOT YOUR EVE by #DevikaPonnambalam
#book #Books #devikaponnambalam #simonmawer #fionamcfarlane #elizabethlowry #RobertHarris #adrianduncan #lucycaldwell #historicalfiction #walterscottprize
Congratulations Louise Harper, our lucky newsletter subscriber who's just won a full set of #WalterScottPrize for #HistoricalFiction shortlisted books!
Q: Who do you think will take home the £25,000 Prize tomorrow?
THESE DAYS by #LucyCaldwell
ACT OF OBLIVION by #RobertHarris
THE CHOSEN by #ElizabethLowry
THE SUN WALKS DOWN by #FionaMcFarlane
ANCESTRY by #SimonMawer
I AM NOT YOUR EVE by #DevikaPonnambalam
#book #Books #devikaponnambalam #simonmawer #fionamcfarlane #elizabethlowry #RobertHarris #adrianduncan #lucycaldwell #historicalfiction #walterscottprize
Learn how a story about the 17th century's greatest manhunt inspired Robert Harris to write his superb #WalterScottPrize shortlisted novel ACT OF OBLIVION (Hutchinson Heinemann) in this exclusive interview
#17thcentury #ColonialAmerica #writingCommunity #regicide #CharlesI @histodons @bookstodon #historicalFiction #RobertHarris #ActOfOblivion
#actofoblivion #RobertHarris #historicalfiction #charlesi #regicide #writingcommunity #colonialamerica #17thcentury #walterscottprize
Learn how a story about the 17th century's greatest manhunt inspired Robert Harris to write his superb #WalterScottPrize shortlisted novel ACT OF OBLIVION (Hutchinson Heinemann) in this exclusive interview
#17thcentury #ColonialAmerica #writingCommunity #regicide #CharlesI @histodons @bookstodon #historicalFiction #RobertHarris #ActOfOblivion
#actofoblivion #RobertHarris #historicalfiction #charlesi #regicide #writingcommunity #colonialamerica #17thcentury #walterscottprize
LITL452 [Podcast-Interview] über das Buch: Der zweite Schlaf mit Robert Harris
Der Untergang der Welt, wie wir sie kennen – der neue große Roman von Robert Harris England ist nach einer langen zurückliegenden Katastrophe in einem erbärmlichen Zustand. Der junge Priester Fairfax wird vom
#Heyne #Interviews #Thriller #DerzweiteSchlaf #HeyneVerlag #Interview #Podcast #RobertHarris
#RobertHarris #podcast #interview #heyneverlag #derzweiteschlaf #thriller #interviews #heyne
@court @HistParl @histodons @royalhistory have you read ACT OF OBLIVION, the latest from #RobertHarris? The most harrowing description of the execution of #CharlesI.
#actofoblivion #HistFic #historicalfiction #charlesi #RobertHarris
Christmas books so far: loved Act of Oblivion by Robert Harris, though it's a heavy-duty story full of sadness; fairly meh about The Employees by Olga Ravn - couldn't really feel any warmth for the human and cyber characters; loving Booth by Karen Joy Fowler so far, with its 19th-century politicohippie family @bookstodon #Booth #KarenJoyFowler #TheEmployees #OlgaRavn #ActOfOblivion #RobertHarris
#booth #karenjoyfowler #theemployees #olgaravn #actofoblivion #RobertHarris
@booksontheline These two by #RobertHarris Enigma and Pompeii
both were wonderful to read 📖📚
Check out our Review for #RobertHarris latest blockbuster #ActOfOblivion.
About the huge manhunt for the men who signed the execution order 💀 for King Charles I🤴
#books #bookstodon #booksofmaatodon
#booksofmaatodon #bookstodon #books #bookreview #actofoblivion #RobertHarris
Well for today at least.
#mickherron #grahamgreene #stevecavanagh #belindabauer #chrislloyd #anthonyhorrowitz #RobertHarris #sevenfavouriteauthors
@OwlBeSatReading Here are a few of my favourites 😁
And all the others I've forgotten! 😂
#books #authors
#IanMcEwan #DavidMitchell #fredrikbackman #andyweir #SebastianFitzek #paulauster #RobertHarris #KaderAbdolah #KarenMaitland #kateatkinson #conniewillis #ColmToíbín #books #authors
Authors I like(not in any particular order):
#michaelconnelly #leechild #anthonyhorowitz #RobertHarris #LyndaLaPlante #SteveCavanagh #agathachristie #HarlanCoben #JoNesbo
I wanted to post about books! I love optimistic #scifi, and some #fantasy, #historicalFiction, and #detectiveFiction. Favourite authors that occur to me include: #IainMBanks, #BeckyChambers, #LordDunsany, #TedChiang, #AdrianTchaikovsky, #RobertHarris, #HGWells, #GKChesterton, #AgathaChristie, #DorothyLSayers, #MargaretWeiss and #TracyHickman, and of course #Tolkien, who I still maintain is under-appreciated. I’m keen to discover new favourites - especially if they can diversify the list a bit.
#scifi #fantasy #historicalfiction #DetectiveFiction #iainmbanks #BeckyChambers #LordDunsany #TedChiang #AdrianTchaikovsky #RobertHarris #hgwells #GKChesterton #agathachristie #DorothyLSayers #MargaretWeiss #TracyHickman #tolkien