Cynni :ir: · @Cynni
73 followers · 169 posts · Server

I saw a trend of and wanted to join in. I do cheat and mention series 😇

1. The series by Sir Terry Pratchett.
2. The series by Suzanne Collins.
3. The series by Jim Butcher.
4. The series by Patricia Cornwell.
5. The & by JRR Tolkien.
6. The series by Dan Brown.
7. The series by John Grisham.

#7Books #discworld #hungergames #dresdenfiles #KayScarpetta #hobbit #LordOfTheRings #RobertLangdon #JakeBrigance #AmReading #books #BooksofMastodon

Last updated 2 years ago

Allan Ogg · @macindog
39 followers · 157 posts · Server

Finished reading Origin, the fifth Robert Langdon mystery thriller by Dan Brown - 4/5
Set in Spain, it's a pretty standard Langdon tale, maybe even a bit predictable but set among Spain's amazing architecture so could make a very watchable

#reading #ebook #books #RobertLangdon #danbrown

Last updated 2 years ago