@MelodyWainscott you are welcome! I am a great admirer of the Spell Songs group. They made such beautifull songs on the Lost Words and the Lost Spell books by #RobertMacfarlane and #JackieMorris
#RobertMacfarlane #jackiemorris
A virtual walk with #RobertMacfarlane and #JohnnyFlynn in the landscape of #EdwardThomas https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/m001g8nx?partner=uk.co.bbc&origin=share-mobile
#RobertMacfarlane #johnnyflynn #edwardthomas
Ha, nun ist auch Robert Macfarlane eingetroffen!😊
Autor von "Alte Wege" (The Old Ways), Berge im Kopf: Geschichte einer Faszination (Mountains of the mind).
➡️ @RobGMacfarlane
#NatureWriting #RobertMacfarlane
Looking forward to hearing this, first episode is on 19 December #RobertMacfarlane #JohnnyFlynn music https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/brand/w13xtvp7?partner=uk.co.bbc&origin=share-mobile
#RobertMacfarlane #johnnyflynn