3️⃣ And nobody is cooler than #RobertWagner. Al never gets ruffled, no matter how much danger he is in. Which, typically, is a lot. This story finds him competing with an assassin for papers hidden inside the safe of a blackmailer. Pleshette’s character remains completely immune to his charms. And ends the episode disliking him every bit as much as she did at the start. Very funny.
#RobertWagner #60stv #espionage #ActionAdventure
43 years ago today:
Hart to Hart
S1E21: Too Many Cooks Are Murder
The menu features murder when the Harts take a gourmet cooking class. The Harts vie with an unscrupulous financier for a recipe which might benefit the world.
Airdate: 1980-05-06
#HarttoHart #RobertWagner #StefaniePowers #ABC #Television
#HarttoHart #RobertWagner #stefaniepowers #abc #television
42 years ago today:
Hart to Hart
S2E17: The Latest In High Fashion Murder
Jennifer's article on the world of high fashion leads to Jonathan and Jennifer modeling for a famous photograper while trying to determine who is murdering beautiful models.
Airdate: 1981-05-05
#HarttoHart #RobertWagner #StefaniePowers #JoePantoliano #LoisChiles #ABC #tvshows
#HarttoHart #RobertWagner #stefaniepowers #joepantoliano #loischiles #abc #tvshows
41 years ago today:
Hart to Hart
S3E22: The Harts Strike Out
A friend of Jonathan's dies leaving his widow and son with a valuable assortment of baseball cards. Before the Harts can sell the collection for the family, it is stolen.
Airdate: 1982-05-04
#HarttoHart #RobertWagner #StefaniePowers #ABC #Television
#HarttoHart #RobertWagner #stefaniepowers #abc #television
42 years ago today:
Hart to Hart
S2E16: The Murder of Jonathan Hart
The Harts' unscrupulous lawyer hires an assassin to eliminate Jonathan with plans to court and marry Jennifer and thus gain control of the sizeable estate.
Airdate: 1981-04-28
#HarttoHart #RobertWagner #StefaniePowers #ABC #tvseries
#HarttoHart #RobertWagner #stefaniepowers #abc #tvseries
54 years ago today:
It Takes a Thief
S2E26: Mad in Japan
Airdate: 1969-04-22
#ItTakesaThief #RobertWagner #ABC #ClassicTV
#ittakesathief #RobertWagner #abc #classictv
67 years ago:
A Kiss Before Dying (US)
A college student tries to get rich quick by wooing two wealthy sisters.
#AKissBeforeDying #GerdOswald #RobertWagner #JeffreyHunter #JoanneWoodward #UnitedArtists #Movies
#akissbeforedying #gerdoswald #RobertWagner #jeffreyhunter #joannewoodward #unitedartists #movies
55 years ago today:
It Takes a Thief
S1E14: Locked in the Cradle of the Keep
Airdate: 1968-04-16
#ItTakesaThief #RobertWagner #ABC #tvseries
#ittakesathief #RobertWagner #abc #tvseries
69 years ago:
Prince Valiant (US)
A young Viking prince strives to become a knight in King Arthur's Court and restore his exiled father to his rightful throne.
#PrinceValiant #HenryHathaway #JamesMason #JanetLeigh #RobertWagner #20thCenturyFox #Movies
#princevaliant #henryhathaway #JamesMason #janetleigh #RobertWagner #20thcenturyfox #movies
55 years ago today:
It Takes a Thief
S1E12: Turnabout
Airdate: 1968-04-02
#ItTakesaThief #RobertWagner #ABC #TV
#ittakesathief #RobertWagner #abc #tv
41 years ago today:
Hart to Hart
S3E20: Hart, Line And Sinker
The Harts want the solitude of their mountain cabin for a weekend. Instead they end up trying to rescue their caretaker from a murder frame by the local sheriff.
Airdate: 1982-03-30
#HarttoHart #BarryCorbin #DeyYoung #RobertWagner #StefaniePowers #ABC #ClassicTV
#HarttoHart #barrycorbin #deyyoung #RobertWagner #stefaniepowers #abc #classictv
66 years ago:
The True Story of Jesse James (US)
Having fought with the Confederacy during the Civil War, Jesse James and his brother Frank dream of a farm life in Missouri. Harassed by Union sympathizers, they assemble a gang of outlaws, robbing trains and becoming folk heroes in the process. Jesse marries his sweetheart, Zee, and maintains an au...
#TheTrueStoryofJesseJames #NicholasRay #RobertWagner #JeffreyHunter #HopeLange #20thCenturyFox
#thetruestoryofjessejames #nicholasray #RobertWagner #jeffreyhunter #hopelange #20thcenturyfox
68 years ago:
White Feather (US)
The story of the peace mission from the US cavalry to the Cheyenne Indians in Wyoming during the 1870s. The mission is threatened when a civilian surveyor befriends the chief's son and falls for the chief's daughter.
#WhiteFeather #RobertWagner #DebraPaget #JeffreyHunter #20thCenturyFox #Western #ClassicFilm #ClassicMovies #Movies #Film
#whitefeather #RobertWagner #debrapaget #jeffreyhunter #20thcenturyfox #western #classicfilm #classicmovies #movies #film
55 years ago:
The Biggest Bundle of Them All (US)
A kidnapped mobster (Vittorio De Sica) persuades his captors to help him rob platinum ingots from a train.
#TheBiggestBundleofThemAll #VittorioDeSica #RaquelWelch #RobertWagner #MGM #ClassicFilm #ClassicMovies #Movies #Film
#thebiggestbundleofthemall #VittorioDeSica #raquelwelch #RobertWagner #mgm #classicfilm #classicmovies #movies #film
55 years ago:
The Biggest Bundle of Them All (US)
A kidnapped mobster (Vittorio De Sica) persuades his captors to help him rob platinum ingots from a train.
#TheBiggestBundleofThemAll #VittorioDeSica #RaquelWelch #RobertWagner #MGM #ClassicFilm #ClassicMovies #Movies #Film
#thebiggestbundleofthemall #VittorioDeSica #raquelwelch #RobertWagner #mgm #classicfilm #classicmovies #movies #film
@pemar Ziemlich abruptes Ende von #Bull, wie ich finde! Bei #NavyCIS gab es inzwischen ja eh immer wieder Umwälzungen, wenn #Ducky, #Ziva, #Parker, #Gibbs usw. da ein- und ausgehen, wie sie wollen, warum nicht auch #Tony? Ich habe zwar jetzt noch keine Ahnung, wie die Sache mit Parker (#GaryCole) und seiner Ex-Frau (#TeriPolo) ausgeht, aber da ist Bewegung drin. #RobertWagner ist wie #RalphWaite auch immer wieder aufgetaucht, warum nicht auch sein Serien-Sohn #MichaelWeatherly?
#bull #NavyCIS #ducky #ziva #parker #gibbs #Tony #garycole #teripolo #RobertWagner #ralphwaite #michaelweatherly