High stakes as EU anti-SLAPP directive enters final negotiations https://www.euractiv.com/section/media/news/high-stakes-as-eu-anti-slapp-directive-enters-final-negotiations/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #coalitionagainstslappsineurope #RobertaMetsola #SLAPPs
#coalitionagainstslappsineurope #RobertaMetsola #SLAPPs
🎉 In other news:
24 European Parliament lawmakers from the @TheProgressives, #Renew, @eppgroup, @ecrgroup and the @EP_GreensEFA asked Parliament President #RobertaMetsola to suspend #advertising campaigns run through #Google’s parent company #Alphabet and on #YouTube over fears they could be sponsoring Russian #propaganda. They also urged to reallocate the EP’s advertising budgets to “trustworthy" ads methods (think: #TrackingFreeAds).
#renew #RobertaMetsola #advertising #google #Alphabet #youtube #propaganda #TrackingFreeAds #trackingads #SurveillanceAds #Privacy #foreigninfluence
Putin calls Berlusconi a dear, wise friend and statesman https://www.euractiv.com/section/global-europe/news/putin-calls-berlusconi-a-dear-wise-friend-and-statesman/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #AnthonyBlinken #CharlesMichel #RobertaMetsola #SilvioBerlusconi
#AnthonyBlinken #CharlesMichel #RobertaMetsola #silvioberlusconi
Parlamento europeo osserva un minuto di silenzio per le vittime delle alluvioni in Emilia-Romagna https://euractiv.it/section/politica/news/parlamento-europeo-osserva-un-minuto-di-silenzio-per-le-vittime-delle-alluvioni-in-emilia-romagna/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #AlluvioniEmiliaRomagna #parlamentoeuropeo #RobertaMetsola
#alluvioniemiliaromagna #parlamentoeuropeo #RobertaMetsola
Presidente del Parlamento Ue su Putin: “Dobbiamo essere pronti a tutto” https://euractiv.it/section/capitali/news/presidente-del-parlamento-ue-su-putin-dobbiamo-essere-pronti-a-tutto/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #arminucleari #Bielorussia #Guerrarussoucraina #RobertaMetsola
#RobertaMetsola #Guerrarussoucraina #Bielorussia #Arminucleari
Ponsatí aconsegueix que Metsola activi el procediment de protecció de la seva immunitat https://www.vilaweb.cat/noticies/ponsati-immunitat-metsola-parlament-europeu/ #Diaridelaguerrajudicial #RobertaMetsola #ClaraPonsatí
#Diaridelaguerrajudicial #RobertaMetsola #claraponsati
🇪🇺🇺🇦 Deuxième visite en Ukraine de la présidente du parlement européen 📰 http://urlr.me/q6GP5
#RevuedePresse #UnionEuropéenne #UE #RobertaMetsola #Ukraine #VolodymyrZelensky #GuerreEnUkraine
#revuedepresse #unioneuropeenne #ue #RobertaMetsola #ukraine #volodymyrzelensky #GuerreEnUkraine
Puigdemont demana a Metsola i Batet no tolerar la seva “persecució política” després del fotomuntatge de Vox https://www.vilaweb.cat/noticies/puigdemont-demana-metsola-batet-no-tolerar-seva-persecucio-politica-muntatge-vox/ #CarlesPuigdemont #ParlamentEuropeu #congrésespanyol #MeritxellBatet #RobertaMetsola #Principat
#carlespuigdemont #ParlamentEuropeu #congresespanyol #meritxellbatet #RobertaMetsola #Principat
#RobertaMetsola @EP_President, during the press conference following her participation at today's Special #EUCO in #Brussels.
"@ZelenskyyUa reminded us that the battle for #Ukaine is not just one about territory, but also in defence of our shared values"
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUCouncilTVNews/status/1623752451655454723
#RobertaMetsola #EUCO #Brussels #Ukaine
Metsola reconeix que no pot retirar la credencial de Puigdemont fins que no es pronunciï Luxemburg https://www.vilaweb.cat/noticies/metsola-reconeix-no-pot-retirar-credencial-puigdemont-no-es-pronuncii-luxemburg/ #RobertaMetsola #Europa #Món
🇪🇺 Qatargate : des cadeaux et un séjour dans un hôtel de luxe, la présidente du Parlement européen mise sous pression 📰 http://urlr.me/q6GP5
#RevuedePresse #Qatargate #UE #ParlementEuropeen #RobertaMetsola
#revuedepresse #Qatargate #ue #parlementeuropeen #RobertaMetsola
Puigdemont acusa Metsola de degradar l’Eurocambra després de rebre Sirera https://www.vilaweb.cat/noticies/puigdemont-acusa-metsola-de-degradar-leurocambra-despres-de-rebre-sirera/ #CarlesPuigdemont #RobertaMetsola #DanielSirera #Europa
#carlespuigdemont #RobertaMetsola #DanielSirera #europa
O Roberta Metsola, you rose from wave to wave
To lead the European Parliament, a feat few can achieve
In a moment filled with peril, you grasp the hold of the sail
And guide it through a storm of accusations true or false
Your strength and wisdom has led you this far
And you
#robertametsola #europeanparliament #leadership #integrity #ode #poetry
#ode #poetry #RobertaMetsola #europeanparliament #leadership #integrity
After Qatargate, can the EU Parliament clean up its act?
#Qatar #EuropeanParliament #EvaKaili #corruption #RobertaMetsola #EuropeanUnion
#europeanunion #RobertaMetsola #corruption #evakaili #europeanparliament #qatar
Metsola nomena una aristòcrata espanyola com a cap de gabinet https://www.vilaweb.cat/noticies/roberta-metsola-aristocrata-espanyola-cap-gabinet/ #ParlamentEuropeu #RobertaMetsola #Europa
#ParlamentEuropeu #RobertaMetsola #europa
@Loukas @paul_briley @carlharnryd @Loukas
I am becoming alarmed. According to some Italian media, there is a similar development in Europe: a renewed alliance between the mainstream right of #epp (#ManfredWeber and #RobertaMetsola ) and the extreme right (spearheaded by #giorgiameloni ) to sabotage the #GreenDeal and kill the centre-right/centre-left alliance of #ursulavonderleyen and #FransTimmermans , with #QatarGate as one of the demolition hammers.
#Qatargate #FransTimmermans #ursulavonderleyen #GreenDeal #giorgiameloni #RobertaMetsola #ManfredWeber #epp
📰🇪🇺 Soupçons de corruption: le Parlement européen dénonce une "attaque" contre la démocratie
#RevuedePresse #ParlementEuropéen #UnionEuropéenne #UE #RobertaMetsola
#revuedepresse #parlementeuropeen #unioneuropeenne #ue #RobertaMetsola
L’Eurocambra suspèn de totes les competències la vice-presidenta Eva Kaili https://www.vilaweb.cat/noticies/leurocambra-suspen-de-totes-les-competencies-la-vice-presidenta-eva-kaili/ #RobertaMetsola #Eurocambra #Europa
#RobertaMetsola #Eurocambra #europa
Metsola assegura que l’Eurocambra col·labora en la investigació dels suborns de Catar https://www.vilaweb.cat/noticies/metsola-eurocambra-investigacio-suborns-qatar/ #RobertaMetsola #Europa #Catar
#RobertaMetsola #europa #catar
59.44 billion of the Next Generation EU #NGEU budget for Italy is linked to reaching environmental goals.
But nobody is really driving a policy of ecological transition in Italian institutions.
Moreover, #FrancesDiBi writes in Domani today that a political battle is taking place on the #GreenDeal, with #RobertaMetsola, #ManfredWeber, #GiorgiaMeloni, and the #EPP trying to sabotage it, focused on the EU Parl. elections of 2024.
#epp #francesdibi #GreenDeal #giorgiameloni #ManfredWeber #RobertaMetsola #ngeu