For #ThickTrunkTuesday this week, I'd like to present the Major Oak. With a circumference of 11 metres, this tree really does have a 'fat trunk'. It also has a canopy with a 28 metre spread, and is estimated to weigh about 23 tonnes.
The Major lives in Sherwood Forest and is somewhere around 1,000 years old, so if Robin Hood ever existed, this tree is almost sure to have met him.
#Photography #TreesOfMastodon #Woodland #RobinHood #Psychogeography #Landscape #Trees
#Trees #Landscape #psychogeography #RobinHood #woodland #treesofmastodon #Photography #thicktrunktuesday
The 7-year-old continues to be inspired in his theatrical crossover ideas. I explained the premise of "Rent" (coming to our local theater next season) and he replies, "Oh, I know -- what if Robin Hood stole from the rich and gave the money to the poor artists?"
New ending for Rent: Robin Hood shows up, buys Benny out & pays for everyone's AZT in perpetuity, apartment becomes an artist co-op, everyone lives happily ever after.
#RobinHood #rent #Musicals #Crossover
"Robin Hood wears green, right? Is he the one who fought with Captain Hook?" -- local 7-year-old, accidentally inventing a new crossover fanfic. #RobinHood #PeterPan #fabric
As a limited-time bonus, the following historical action-adventure films are now streaming on #AppleTVPlus in select regions until July 31:
#MasterAndCommander: The Far Side of the World
#RobinHood: Prince of Thieves
#RobinHood #troy #kingdomofheaven #masterandcommander #appletvplus
Another track for the #Ireland theme for #StPatricksDay and #JukeboxFridayNight plus a bit of TV nostalgia for probably a lot of Brits of my age or thereabouts. Here's #Clannad with Robin (The Hooded Man) from the fantastic #RobinOfSherwood
#classictv #RobinHood #musicvideo #Music #robinofsherwood #clannad #jukeboxfridaynight #StPatricksDay #Ireland
The Adventures of Robin Hood with Errol Flynn remains the best #RobinHood movie. I re-discovered my love of it back on Warner Bros’s 75th anniversary. Now, Warner Brothers is turning 100. Spotlight review: #ErrolFlynn #classicfilm #movies #wb100 #medievalmovies #SwashbucklingSaturday #filmhistory
#filmhistory #SwashbucklingSaturday #medievalmovies #wb100 #Movies #classicfilm #errolflynn #RobinHood
Feb. 5, 1923 - Douglas Fairbanks in Robin Hood opened in Toronto. Here's my look back at this #silentfilm classic: #silentcinema #silentmovies #classicfilm #movies #RobinHood #DouglasFairbanks
#douglasfairbanks #RobinHood #Movies #classicfilm #silentmovies #silentcinema #silentfilm
Was #RobinHood real? A look at the #medieval outlaws and other historical figures who may have inspired the Robin Hood legend #folklore #BritishHistory #history
#History #BritishHistory #folklore #medieval #RobinHood
Une petite aquarelle de rouge-gorge pour m'exercer
#MastoArt #watercolor #RobinHood
I look at how writer/artist Mike Grell increased the Robin Hood elements in Green Arrow comics: #GreenArrow #MikeGrell #RobinHood #comicbooks #Arrow #arrowverse
#arrowverse #arrow #comicbooks #RobinHood #mikegrell #GreenArrow
Jan. 2, 1978 - the first episode of the British #scifi TV series Blake’s 7 premiered. It’s been called “The Dirty Dozen in Space” and “#RobinHood in Space”, with a touch of George Orwell. Created by #DoctorWho’s Terry Nation. Roj Blake leads a band of outlaws against the corrupt Federation. I’m one of the hosts of Straight Outta the Federation, a #podcast that explores #Blakes7. Give us a listen. #scifitv #classictv #bbc #scifipodcasts #spaceopera
#spaceopera #scifipodcasts #BBC #classictv #SciFiTV #blakes7 #Podcast #DoctorWho #RobinHood #SciFi
Okay, 2023. Time to get some writing done. Upcoming things for my site. #RobinHood #Blakes7 #TheAvengers #RobynHood #AmWriting #ClassicTV #HappyNewYear
#HappyNewYear #classictv #amwriting #robynhood #theavengers #blakes7 #RobinHood
Congrats to #BBC2 for showing #ErrolFlynn and #OliviadeHavilland in the 1938 classic The Adventures of #RobinHood for #BoxingDay. I wrote about one of my favourite #movies here: #classicfilm #movielegends
#movielegends #classicfilm #Movies #boxingday #RobinHood #OliviadeHavilland #errolflynn #bbc2
#DouglasFairbanks as #RobinHood tells #AlanHale as Little John to stick around and look after the next Robin Hood too — #ErrolFlynn. Check out my spotlight on Douglas Fairbanks in Robin Hood, the 1922 silent movie that transformed the Robin Hood legend. #silentfilm #silentmovies #ClassicFilm #MovieLegends #FilmLegends
#filmlegends #movielegends #classicfilm #silentmovies #silentfilm #errolflynn #alanhale #RobinHood #douglasfairbanks
A link to the article about #DouglasFairbanks in #RobinHood #silentfilm
#silentfilm #RobinHood #douglasfairbanks
A special #Christmas episode of #TheAdventuresofRobinHood. Robin Hood and Friar Tuck save a poor boy's goose from becoming Christmas dinner. #RobinHood #classictv #1950s #happyholidays
#HappyHolidays #1950s #classictv #RobinHood #theadventuresofrobinhood #Christmas
A special look at a film that turned 100 in 2022 - Douglas Fairbanks in Robin Hood. #RobinHood #DouglasFairbanks #classicfilm #movies #hollywood #silentfilm #silentmovies
#silentmovies #silentfilm #hollywood #Movies #classicfilm #douglasfairbanks #RobinHood
I’m not sure #ErrolFlynn’s Robin Hood would have enjoyed snapping someone’s neck as much as #DouglasFairbanks’s #RobinHood does. There are definite signs that #DouglasFairbanksinRobinHood is a pre-code movie. #silentfilm #silentmovie #classicfilm.
#classicfilm #silentMovie #silentfilm #douglasfairbanksinrobinhood #RobinHood #douglasfairbanks #errolflynn
Dimanche après-midi avec Mel Brooks : "Sacré Robin des bois" ("Robin Hood : men in tights", en v.o.).
Je ne l'avais jamais vu. Une parodie absurde avec pas mal de gags bien trouvés. C'est pas un des meilleurs films de son auteur, mais il est quand même assez plaisant.
#MelBrooks #MenInTights #SacréRobinDesBois #RobinDesBous #RobinHood #cinema
#melbrooks #menintights #sacrerobindesbois #robindesbous #RobinHood #cinema