More on Foxconn’s empty buildings and empty promises. #foxconn #foxconned #Wisconsin #scottwalker #robinvos #mountpleasant
#mountpleasant #RobinVos #scottwalker #wisconsin #foxconned #foxconn
@CassandraZeroCovid @nilay_patel Yes, they innovatively grabbed Wisconsin taxpayer money. Thanks #scottwalker and #RobinVos #foxconn #foxconned
#foxconned #foxconn #RobinVos #scottwalker
Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice Rebecca Bradley throws a hissy fit. #wisconsinsupremecourt #rebeccabradley #wisgop #RobinVos #judgejanetprotasiewicz #wisconsin
#wisconsin #judgejanetprotasiewicz #RobinVos #wisgop #rebeccabradley #wisconsinsupremecourt
@erikalyn Looks like the residual lawsuits stemming from the investigation may push the total over $2 million even after Rep. Vos fired Gableman. Original budget for investigation= $676,000. What a waste of taxpayer money!
#Gableman #RobinVos #electioninvestigation #Wisconsin
#wisconsin #electioninvestigation #RobinVos #Gableman
Britt Cudabeck spokesperson for Gov. Tony Evers “Actually, @GovEvers proposed a 10% middle-class tax plan to provide $1.2 billion in tax relief for working families, seniors, caregivers, parents, and veterans, among others,” Cudabeck said in response to one of Wanggard’s tweets. “You rejected it to give 11 filers who make $75 million+ an average $1.8 million tax cut per year instead.” #taxcuts #tonyevers #RobinVos #wisconsin #wisconsinbudget
#wisconsinbudget #wisconsin #RobinVos #tonyevers #taxcuts
“When Evers vetoed the tax cuts for the rich, Vos went ballistic. Lodging his objections via satellite from a luxury hotel in Brussels, Belgium, where he is enjoying a European summer, the visibly agitated speaker hurled epithets at the governor and promised veto override attempts and lawsuits.” #RobinVos #tonyevers #taxcuts #wisconsinbudget #wisgop
#wisgop #wisconsinbudget #taxcuts #tonyevers #RobinVos
@erikalyn Gee Robin, you didn’t waste any time showing us how you really feel about minorities and affirmative action. #RobinVos #affirmativeaction #wisgop
#wisgop #affirmativeaction #RobinVos
Because Robin Vos can’t waste any time being even more of a d*ck #RobinVos #affirmativeaction #universityofwisconsin #wisgop #Wisconsin
#wisconsin #wisgop #universityofwisconsin #affirmativeaction #RobinVos
@capper Great rundown of the wisgop’s latest efforts to prevent fair and free elections in Wisconsin! #wisgop #wisconsinElectionCommission #MeaganWolfe #RobinVos
#RobinVos #meaganwolfe #wisconsinelectioncommission #wisgop
Ugh—Robin Vos is at it again “we will follow the law” (implied: when it suits the wisgop) #RobinVos #wisgop #WisconsinElectionCommission #WisconsinElections #WisconsinGerrymandering #gerrymandering
#gerrymandering #wisconsingerrymandering #wisconsinelections #wisconsinelectioncommission #wisgop #RobinVos
@danshafer Thanks for posting The Recombobulation Area here! I’m trying to avoid the birdsite, and hope more regular Wisconsin and Milwaukee tweeters make the jump. Also adding hashtags like #wisconsin #Wisconsinstategovernment #GovernorEvers #wispolitics #RobinVos will help get your post/toot more eyes.
#RobinVos #wispolitics #governorevers #wisconsinstategovernment #wisconsin
@qjurecic WIGOP in a nutshell, always the leader on the path to the ethical and moral corruption of the whole party. #Reince #ScottWalker #RobinVos
#RobinVos #scottwalker #reince
Bombshell Report Convinced State Assembly Speaker of ‘Widespread Fraud’ in 2020 Presidential Election
#LeoHohmann #wisconsin #ElectionFraud #2020PresidentialElection #WorldviewTimes #RobinVos #JeffersonDavis
#JeffersonDavis #RobinVos #WorldviewTimes #2020presidentialelection #electionfraud #wisconsin #LeoHohmann