Though I can’t access the experience of mushroom selfhood or butterfly selfhood—I can’t know what it’s like to be those people—there is some relationship between the mushroom and me, the butterfly and me, some common rouser or piper that pipes 'puhpowee' in the night and creates the conditions for all of our selves to emerge, however different they are from each other.
#BraidingSweetgrass #Zhuangzi #Identity #Self #RobinWallKimmerer #IndigenousKnowledge #Daoism #Taoism
#braidingsweetgrass #zhuangzi #identity #self #RobinWallKimmerer #indigenousknowledge #daoism #taoism
With words at your disposal, you can see more clearly. Finding the words is another step in learning to see. Its (Schistostega Pennata, a.k.a. Goblin's Gold) life and ours exist only because of a myriad of synchronicities that bring us to this particular place at this particular moment. In return for such a gift, the only sane response is to glitter in reply.
“the only sane response is to glitter”
#mariapopova #RobinWallKimmerer
'Als we erkennen dat we leven in overvloed in plaats van in schaarste, ondermijnen we een economie die bloeit door onvervulde verlangens te creëren. De Dankzegging herinnert je eraan dat je alles al bezit wat je nodig hebt; dankbaarheid stuurt je niet maar allerlei winkels om bevrediging te vinden. Dankzegging is geen product, maar eem geschenk dat de basis van de hele economie ondermijnt.'
Uit 'Een vlecht van heilig gras', Robin Wall Kimmerer. #heiliggras #robinwallkimmerer #dank
#heiliggras #RobinWallKimmerer #dank
#RobinWallKimmerer is a #Bryologist & enrolled member of the Citizen Potawatomi Nation.
She writes books joining new scientific & ancient indigenous knowledge including #GatheringMoss & #BraidingSweetGrass.
Listen her podcast & learn about moss, science, beauty, broader notions of sustainability, & the secret to happiness!
#Mosstodon #Nature #NaturePhotography #OnBeingWithKristaTippett #RhodyGargen
#RobinWallKimmerer #bryologist #gatheringmoss #BraidingSweetgrass #Mosstodon #nature #naturephotography #onbeingwithkristatippett #rhodygargen
Aber sprechen wir über #Mosstodon! Dieses entzückende Buch #DasSammelnvonMoos von #RobinWallKimmerer habe ich mir besorgt, weil man hier um Moose ja nicht herumkommt. Und stelle fest, dass #matthesundseitz (die ruhig mal eine Präsenz bei Mstodon eröffnen dürften) sich bei der Ausstattung echt bemüht haben.
#Mosstodon #dassammelnvonmoos #RobinWallKimmerer #matthesundseitz
Some incredible poetic #naturalism widsom from Dr. #RobinWallKimmerer:
"There are lots of truths... there are multiple ways of knowing, and we could benefit by engaging more of them.... Sometimes what we call conventional Western #science is in fact scientism. Scientism being this notion that Western science is the only way to truth. It’s a powerful way to truth, but there are other ways, too."
#Environment #Ecology #IndigenousScience #Humility #Connectivity
#naturalism #RobinWallKimmerer #science #environment #ecology #indigenousscience #humility #Connectivity
@emergencemagazine #RobinWallKimmerer is one of the most important voices now and, perhaps, ever. Does Emergence have a NYT subscription that allows gifting 10 articles/30 days? I’ve seen individuals gift NYT articles, here. I know Emergence is on several platforms and gifting may not be possible for various reasons.
#mosstodon is usually for pictures, but this essay by #RobinWallKimmerer is a must for any enthusiast.
Kimmerer knows moss more deeply and communicates that love more effectively than any scientist I know.
I see it so differently now, thanks to her!
“Hoarding won’t save us … All flourishing is mutual.“
I just listened to this beautiful piece on the nature of the natural world as a web of gift exchanges. The author reminds us that we, humans, are also part of the natural world; this is an economics we can share, and must if we want to save ourselves.
#RobinWallKimmerer #GiftEconomy #Serviceberry #EcologicalEconomics #PlantTeachers #Indigenous
#indigenous #plantteachers #EcologicalEconomics #serviceberry #gifteconomy #RobinWallKimmerer
Listen to “Ancient Time: Moss, Climate and Deep Time” by Robin Wall Kimmerer. Author of #BraidingSweetGrass and #GatheringMoss, she is also gifted with a soothing voice that calms like lemon balm for the soul.
And checkout Emergence Magazine now on Mastodon! @emergencemagazine
#RobinWallKimmerer #BraidingSweetGrass #GatheringMoss #Mosstodon #LichenSubscribe #Moss #DeepTime #Climate
#BraidingSweetgrass #gatheringmoss #RobinWallKimmerer #Mosstodon #lichensubscribe #moss #deeptime #climate
My late-in-life interest in #biology and #botany inspired by our local woodland, my toddler, and a couple of #Ologies episodes, especially this one on #mosses with #RobinWallKimmerer (I've ordered myself copies of Gathering #Moss and Braiding Sweetgrass!)
#RobinWallKimmerer #biology #botany #ologies #Mosses #moss #Mosstodon
Otra cita que no retuve en mi primera #LecturaOdell y que ahora ha sido imposible ignorar es la de mi querida #RobinwallKimmerer otro libro que me cambió la vida. Las ideas que Kimmerer ha sembrado en ese ensayo son totalmente revolucionarias, y de ellas Odell recoge la de aprender a nombrar para poder entender, pero también para poder salvar nuestro mundo.
#lecturaodell #RobinWallKimmerer
Weaving this geological history with the story of Skywoman, who fell to Earth and danced the land into being on the back of Turtle, Robin Wall Kimmerer evokes the power and wisdom of mosses, teachers who have long persisted on this planet and who could help us learn to live amid a changing climate.
Read “Ancient Green: Moss, Climate, and Deep Time.” #RobinWallKimmerer #moss
Weaving this geological history with the story of Skywoman, who fell to Earth and danced the land into being on the back of Turtle, Robin Wall Kimmerer evokes the power and wisdom of mosses, teachers who have long persisted on this planet and who could help us learn to live amid a changing climate.
Read “Ancient Green: Moss, Climate, and Deep Time.” #RobinWallKimmerer #moss
#BlackMastodon #BlackTwitter what were your favorite books you read in 2022 (audiobooks count):
#HoodFeminism by #MikkiKendall
#BraidingSweetgrass by #RobinWallKimmerer
#1619 #BornOnTheWater by #NikoleHannahJones
#PedagogyOfTheOppressed by #PaoloFreire
I'm also really enjoying #DesignJustice by @schock
#BlackMastodon #BlackTwitter #hoodfeminism #mikkikendall #braidingSweetgrass #RobinWallKimmerer #bornonthewater #nikolehannahjones #PedagogyOfTheOppressed #paolofreire #allaboutlove #bellhooks #designjustice
@RealityGlimpses I think it's more because I'm looking closely at something near the ground and he wants in on the action 😆
Moss is amazing stuff, I love how #Mosstodon has a whole load of people looking closely for the first time. Keep meaning to get hold of a copy of Gathering Moss by #RobinWallKimmerer
Planning a short “crack in the sky” presentation. To invite my coworkers into an ongoing public service project. Flying above the drizzly gray enveloping the last celebration of the blueberry bush leaves in the garden, thinking of Robin Wall Kimmerer who informed us that the Potawatomi word for the serviceberry is Bozakmin. And that “min,” the root for “berry,” also means “gift.” This is my throughline. #blueberry #fallcolors #gift #serviceberry #robinwallkimmerer #emergenceMagazine #norcal
#blueberry #FallColors #gift #serviceberry #RobinWallKimmerer #emergencemagazine #norcal
“A great longing is
upon us, to live again
in a world made of gifts.”
— #RobinWallKimmerer #BraidingSweetgrass
#RobinWallKimmerer #braidingSweetgrass #haiku #foundhaiku #gift
“A great longing is
upon us, to live again
in a world made of gifts.”
— #RobinWallKimmerer #BraidingSweetgrass
#RobinWallKimmerer #braidingSweetgrass #haiku #foundhaiku #gift
Funnily, I just wanted to share the link, so I‘d better boost your toot and leave it here:
It‘s a conversation with the very well known author of the awe-some and wonder-ful books „Gathering #Moss“ and „Braiding Sweetgrass“ and #bryologist Dr #RobinWallKimmerer
#moss #bryologist #RobinWallKimmerer #forestEcology #indegenouswisdom