Prepping to run #Robotech inspired the resurrection of #TTRPGTimewarpTuesday for #Rifts! I've still got dozens of these and have fond memories of playing in high school. The GM ran a party of six for over three years and my Atlantean Undead Slayer is still one of my favorites!
#Robotech #ttrpgtimewarptuesday #Rifts
Ok. I’ve finally narrowed it down from 15 to 7 to 4 and now to 2. The goal is to figure it out today and spend next week making a scenario. Then the characters and handouts. #GMPrep #Robotech #Stormbringer
#gmprep #Robotech #stormbringer
New items coming soon to Etsy!
Encyclopedia Magica, all four volumes. These should go up sometime next week.
Don't forget, the 30% off sale is still going on for a couple of more days at ! Ninja Turtles, Robotech, and lots of D&D goodies.
#ttrpg #dungeonmaster #adnd #shopsmall #ninjaturtles #Robotech
#ttrpg #dungeonmaster #adnd #shopsmall #NinjaTurtles #Robotech Welcome, Sevro. Yeah, Mastodon is a little different and will take some getting used to. You'll find it easier to avoid the toxic types here than you would on the Bad Bird Hellsite. I grew up on really old school anime, meaning I started with #SpeedRacer way back in the 70's and what would become #Voltron and #Robotech in the US (#BeastKingGoLion and #Macross) in the 80's.
#speedracer #voltron #Robotech #beastkinggolion #macross
We have new items in stock at
Gamma World, Shadowrun, Battletech, Robotech, Endless Quest, and even some Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
#dnd #dungeonmaster #adnd #rpg #shopsmall #tnmnt #shadowrun #robotech
#DnD #dungeonmaster #adnd #rpg #shopsmall #tnmnt #shadowrun #Robotech
Shadowrun New Seattle. This is one of the fine RPG products we'll be offering our mailing list subscribers next week.
Seattle's got it all: movers and shakers from all of the megacorporations, high-stakes political conflicts, and even vicious mob wars--and it's surrounded by hostile countries! Every runner and wannabe comes to Seattle to learn their chops (mailing list form at the bottom of every page).
#dnd #ttrpg #dungeonmaster #adnd #rpg #shopsmall #tnmnt #shadowrun #robotech
#DnD #ttrpg #dungeonmaster #adnd #rpg #shopsmall #tnmnt #shadowrun #Robotech
Sign up for our mailing list!
We'll be getting some great items in stock soon. Endless Quest books, TNMNT, Shadowrun, Robotech, and more great D&D items. We will be giving our mailing list members the first option to buy these, so come on over and sign up!
Scroll to the bottom of page. We'll email a confirmation to you, at DEI we're big on consent. After you verify that you do want to join, we'll send you a 15% off code. 😁
#DnD #ttrpg #rpg #shopsmall #tnmnt #shadowrun #Robotech
Here's a couple of #Robotech characters I whipped up in #HeroForge.
Lunk and Annie from The New Generation/Invid Invasion portion of the TV series.
#Robotech #heroforge #anime #mecha #rpg #ttrpg #rpgminis
El anime no me atrae particularmente, pero hay excepciones. #Robotech es una de ellas.
I'm gonna add my two cents to the list of #TTRPG rules and settings out there that don't rely on some variation of the d20 System.
#EdenStudios has several #Horror and #DarkFantasy games including #AllFleshMustBeEaten , the #WitchCraftRPG, #GhostsOfAlbion and the #ArmageddonRPG, plus the hidden gem of Ape-themed RPGs, #TerraPrimate
#DreamPod9 is about to relaunch the #HeavyGear RPG to supplement its tabletop wargame of the same name.
#StrangeMachineGames now publishes #Robotech, too.
#ttrpg #edenstudios #horror #darkfantasy #allfleshmustbeeaten #witchcraftrpg #ghostsofalbion #armageddonrpg #terraprimate #dreampod9 #HeavyGear #strangemachinegames #Robotech
For reference, the 1982+ #mecha #OVA #series that became #robotech starting in 1985.
Genesis Climber Mospeada
Super Dimension Cavalry Southern Cross
The Super Dimension Fortress Macross
For reference, the 1982+ #mecha #OVA #series that became #robotech starting in 1985.
You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.
And yes, I am actually serious. This whole mecha design of the Queadluun-Rau is mesmerizing to me.
Unlike a lot of dull "guy in tech armor" looking mech designs, it diverges wildly from proper human proportions. It feels like a weird propulsion system with limbs as maneuvering counterweights and missile storage.
Like looking at a duck, you think, "how ungainly." But then see it in motion.
Stripping this and repainting it. It's kinda wet and gross in the first pic cuz it was covered with dust and I washed it. It was a dark primer and the decals are curling. Stripped it in Super Clean, pretty harmless for plastic minis. It's only about 2 inches long.
#robotech #macross #veritech