Kenny G :apple_gray: · @kenny
46 followers · 195 posts · Server


yes, ClickUp is great! Especially for a team. Though, on a personal level, I think is one of the best apps ever!

I had forgotten about until a guy at work had one recently. 😀

#notion #RocketBook

Last updated 2 years ago

Justice F. Dazzle :verified: · @justice_dazzle
77 followers · 509 posts · Server

So, a little help with a would be greatly appreciated.

I am trying to setup a new applet to put my pages into new documents in my Workspace.

The way I currently have it setup (because there isn't a direct integration from RB to Notion) is the following:

1) Import my RB pages into (OCRed, so the text is copypasta-able).

2) Have an applet that monitors the folder in my Drive that RB uploads to (both the OCRed .docx and PDF).


#ifttt #applet #RocketBook #notion #googledrive

Last updated 2 years ago

Justice F. Dazzle :verified: · @justice_dazzle
71 followers · 451 posts · Server

Work has been super slow today, thanks to the in the , so I have obviously taken the time to completely reorganize and make my more usable.

Now, with that all set, and using my for notes on the go, and the for my scheduling, I may actually get this (possibly ) brain of mine organized in a way that will allow me to be as organized and able to be as as I should be.

#snowstorm #northeast #notion #orbit #RocketBook #pandaplanner #adhd #neurodiverse #autistic #productive

Last updated 2 years ago

“Rachel” · @Nycteris
89 followers · 302 posts · Server
wutwutman · @wutwutman
54 followers · 183 posts · Server

Now that I've moved to a as my mobile daily device, i find myself needing (or desiring) a mouse pad. Of, even though I've owned literally dozens over the last 5 years or so, I cant find a single pad. Not one. I refuse to buy one. It's the principle. SO I am currently using my old as a mouse pad.

#chromebook #RocketBook #sunday #itfigures

Last updated 2 years ago

Lily Rose at Home · @lily_o_valley
43 followers · 111 posts · Server

Talking of redrafting, does anybody use reusable notebooks? They're my new favourite thing, 💚although so far I only have a cheap fake, I'm hoping to get a Rocketbook when I can afford one.

#RocketBook #fusion #stationery #planners #StationeryAddict #PlannerAddict #Frixion #pens

Last updated 2 years ago