A 2006 physics paper includes the acknowledgement: ‘Sorry Mom, it turns out it is rocket science.’
#science #physics #paper #acknowledgement #rocketscience #QI #notQI
#science #physics #paper #acknowledgement #RocketScience #qi #notqi
Mapping 🗺️ a #SpacePort isn't #RocketScience 😋 https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:aeroway%3Dspaceport
They may by the way be filtered in #OsmAnd https://f-droid.org/en/packages/net.osmand.plus/index.html
#spaceport #RocketScience #osmand #OpenStreetMap #spaceflight
“It’s really not #rocketScience,” she said. “We are at an absolutely critical place for the future of #tropicalForests. If we don’t learn from the failures of the last decade or so, then there’s a very large risk that investors, private individuals and others will move away from any kind of willingness to pay to avoid tropical deforestation and that would be a disaster.
#carbonCredits, just another big lie to create surplus structures for PhD's to make money out of thin air and certifying processes?
#greenWashing in the face of consumerism and an unsustainable "civilization"?
A coffee products company that isn't capable of creating and or fostering coffee plantations that include a sustainable agricultural design, nor is interested in creating added value in the chain of processing inside the raw material commodities countries so labor forces are fostered and the earnings of added value stay inside the developing countries?
All at once, in one single article in a time and age when everything seems to be just "to late".
The age of mono sapiens achieving the ultimate goal of being totally civilized.
#fridaysforfuture #journalism #greenwashing #carboncredits #tropicalforests #RocketScience
Es gibt dutzende Webseiten basierend auf #OpenStreetMap - Daten, z.B. für #Radfahrer, #Motorrad, #Ski, #Wandern, #ÖPNV, #Vegetarier, #Rollstuhlfahrer, #Feuerwehr, #kostenlose Dienste etc. https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/DE:List_of_OSM-based_services
#OpenStreetMap #radfahrer #motorrad #ski #wandern #opnv #Vegetarier #rollstuhlfahrer #feuerwehr #kostenlose #RocketScience
Read with precaution
Use with #precaution
Always wear adequate #PPE for application
Be #vigilant
No #patient, no health care worker #HCW
should get infected by negligance of #hygiene basics
And more than ever before we have to be aware of contagious aerosols
Lingering for hours indoors
high #infectious finest #particles
It's not #rocketscience
Avoid #airborne transmitted #crosscontaminations
Of course
clean surfaces
disinfect hands
ventilate & check #CO2 #NDIR
#ndir #co2 #crosscontaminations #airborne #RocketScience #particles #infectious #hygiene #HCW #Patient #vigilant #PPE #Precaution
Why does a rocket have to accelerate so hard off the launchpad?
RT @defis_eu: Boosting your #space business is no #RocketScience - unless you are a rocket scientist!😉
All #EUSpace businesses are welcome to participate in the #CASSINIMatchmaking to receive targeted business matchmaking, in partnership with @esa & @EU4Space
More at https://t.co/5yQlVhev9u
#space #RocketScience #EUSpace #CASSINIMatchmaking
Boosting your #space business is no #RocketScience - unless you are a rocket scientist!😉
All #EUSpace businesses are welcome to participate in the #CASSINIMatchmaking to receive targeted business matchmaking, in partnership with @esa & @EU4Space
More at http://cassini.eu/matchmaking
#space #RocketScience #EUSpace #CASSINIMatchmaking
RT @defis_eu: Boosting your #space business is no #RocketScience - unless you are a rocket scientist!😉
All #EUSpace businesses are welcome to participate in the #CASSINIMatchmaking to receive targeted business matchmaking, in partnership with @esa & @EU4Space
More at https://t.co/5yQlVhev9u
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/CopernicusEU/status/1587051758735466496
#space #RocketScience #EUSpace #CASSINIMatchmaking
#Überschwemmungen & #Flutkatastrophen, #Hitzewellen, #Waldbrände, #Orkanstürme, ausgetrocknete Böden wegen anhaltender #Trockenheit...
Wie katastrophal müssen die Szenarien denn noch werden, bevor konsequent umgesteuert wird? Alle, die es wissen wollen, können auch wissen, was zu tun ist. Ist doch alles keine #RocketScience.
Dürre: So trocken wie im März darf es nicht bleiben | ZEIT ONLINE
#überschwemmungen #Flutkatastrophen #hitzewellen #waldbrände #Orkanstürme #trockenheit #RocketScience