In one of its stuffiest passages, Wikipedia says, "The song is both an example and a parody of the dance song genre, with much of the lyrics [sic] consisting of dance step instructions."
TV Tropes says, "Richard O'Brien has said that he wrote that song as a bit of a parody of a Dance Sensation."
The narrator says, "It's just a jump to the left..."
#TracksAndField #RockyHorrorPictureShow #TimeWarp
#timewarp #RockyHorrorPictureShow #tracksandfield
sigue sin convencerme esta temporada de #AndJustLikeThat, pero esa referencia a #RockyHorrorPictureShow ❤️ Gracias Carrie por pillarla, aunque Aidan no supiera de dónde había sacado los nombres “Brad and Janet” (oh, dammit! 🤣)
#RockyHorrorPictureShow #AndJustLikeThat
How there may be a small connection for me between the "Rocky Horror Picture Show" and the "Barbie" movie.
When I was a college sophomore at Santa Barbara one of my professors came into class and told us that he didn't have time to finish grading our mid-terms because he saw the "worst movie" he'd ever seen the night before, the "Rocky Horror Picture Show". Naturally everyone in class went to see it as soon as we could. It's a great movie and still fun to watch.
Now, with Ted Cruz and the Republican brain trust attacking "Barbie", I have to see it.
All kidding aside, the Barbie reviews appear to be good and it might be just campy enough that it works. We will probably go see it strangely enough.
#Barbie #RockyHorrorPictureShow #Movie #TedCruz #Republican #UCSB
#barbie #RockyHorrorPictureShow #movie #tedcruz #republican #UCSB
This and other transformational film memories from Them
As an older queer / #RainbowElder I remember classics like #RockyHorrorPictureShow and #VampireCircus and early TV series of Batman and of Bewitched and I Dream of Jeanie ... find memories
#rainbowelder #RockyHorrorPictureShow #vampirecircus
Also, her most recent look really reminds me of Riff Raff from the Rocky Horror Picture Show.
@janetlogan @Ten dammit Janet oh brad… I’m mad!!! ❤️ #RockyHorrorPictureShow
I’m listing two answers, because one is more of a musical:
-- The Princess Bride (inconceivable!)
-- Rocky Horror Picture Show (dammit, Janet!)
I’m sure I couldn’t quote them completely from memory, but I’d do pretty well.
#ama #ThePrincessBride #RockyHorrorPictureShow
die meisetn kann ihn nur als Dr. Frank'n' Furter aus der #rockyhorrorpictureshow
aber #timcurry war m.E. auch ein klasse Sänger
#RockyHorrorPictureShow #TimCurry
However the occupants of the castle turn out to be a bit of a Horror Show… (Did I say we’d had the stop-motion animation for this year? Well, let’s have another one - a big musical extravaganza!) #Lego #RockyHorrorPictureShow
However the occupants of the castle turn out to be a bit of a Horror Show… (Did I say we’d had the stop-motion animation for this year? Well, let’s have another one - a big musical extravaganza!) #Lego #RockyHorrorPictureShow
There were boy/men characters who didn’t fit in, but there was only so far media is willing to go with non traditional masculinity before it’s considered unrelatable. Given my age, there wasn’t much queer content available, and what was, was in pop music or things like #RockyHorrorPictureShow , so relatable, but not in a way that is applicable to real life.
Rewatching #RockyHorrorPictureShow for the eleventy-seventh time, having first discovered it as a wide-eyed - soon to be utterly gobsmacked and totally delighted - teenager. Did anyone else develop a big crush on Riff-Raff or was it just me?
Nein, nein. Alles richtig gemacht 😁
Leute, die zu viel #RockyHorrorPictureShow geguckt und gehört haben, denken fast automatisch "Janet", wenn einer "Dammit" sagt. Ich wollte mal gucken, bei wie vielen das ohne Kontext funktioniert.
Aber wer ist denn dieser Tobi aus der Parallelklasse? Ich bekomme das nicht ergoogelt 😁
@desireehilscher Désirée, ich denke da jetzt seit gestern drüber nach, aber ich verstehe es nicht 😆
Ist das ein Gespräch von der Hochzeit am Anfang oder hat das gar nichts mit #RockyHorrorPictureShow , sondern mit etwas anderem zu tun?
Tim Curry interviewed in 1975 about the #RockyHorrorPictureShow
I have never seen clips of the film in B&W before, and it's actually kinda brilliant.
Der große Vorteil von Filmen, die auch Musical sind: Beim Hören des Soundtracks „sieht“ man den Film gleich mit. 🤩
#littleshopofhorrors #BluesBrothers #RockyHorrorPictureShow
Shiver with antici-! 💋🖤❤️ "Live in FIERCE ...not in fear." 💋🌈❤️🧡💛💚💙💜💖🏳️🌈🏳️⚧️ #LiveInFIERCE #misskittylelynx #diva #LGBTQIA #nonbinary #genderqueer #transfemme #gay #beyoutiful #beyourself #musical #theatre #theater #musician #singer #richardobrien #rockyhorror #red #lips #rockyhorrorpictureshow #rockyhorrorshow #rocknroll #music #sing #song #ScieneFictionDoubleFeature #voice #vocal #cultclassic #movie #film
#LiveInFIERCE #misskittylelynx #diva #lgbtqia #nonbinary #genderqueer #transfemme #gay #beyoutiful #BeYourself #musical #theatre #theater #musician #singer #richardobrien #rockyhorror #red #lips #RockyHorrorPictureShow #rockyHorrorShow #rocknroll #music #sing #song #scienefictiondoublefeature #voice #vocal #cultclassic #movie #film
And now, randomly and apropos of absolutely nothing at all whatsoever, I have #RockyHorrorPictureShow songs stuck in my head.
I was #BradMajors for a couple years, know his numbers front to back, have always loved There's a Light, and randomly now Superheroes is stuck in my head. And I know full well my version of the lyrics are all kinds of wrong. LOL
#RockyHorrorPictureShow #BradMajors