RT @Johnnthelefty
The Catholic Church that the march arrived at is all boarded up. Bob West came out of the church filming and then went back in. Fitting place for a sex offender.
#RoeVWadeprotest #roevswadeoverturned
RT @ChuckModi1: “We need to have civil disobedience on a national scale. We need a general worker’s strike to shut this gov’t down patterned after Latin America’s [fight] for abortion rights”
Samuela Alito na stolec posadził młodszy Bush.
RT @AgaBak
Amerykanki przed siedzibą Sądu Najwyższego USA.
Sprzeciw wobec #WyrokNaKobiety, wydanego przez obsadzony nominatami Trumpa SN rośnie, będzie rósł nadal i - ostatecznie - zakończy się sukcesem.
Bo aborcja wszędzie - była, jest i będzie!
#RoeVWadeprotest #LegalnaAborcja #RoeVWade https://twitter.com/kirstenappleton/status/1540426336925360130
#WyrokNaKobiety #RoeVWadeprotest #LegalnaAborcja #roevwade
Overturning #RoevWade isn’t only detrimental to #women but also men. Some may not wish to have their lives drastically changed/effected by an unplanned pregnancy. Sadly, there're already enough ill-equipped, struggling parents & neglected kids in the world. #prolife at the expense of harming others/ restricting liberty is backward & naive thinking. One already knows well, adoption is not a solution. #abortion #scotusleak #RoeVWadeprotest #prochoice #WomensRight #equality #scotusLeak #roevswade
#roevswade #equality #WomensRight #prochoice #RoeVWadeprotest #scotusLeak #abortion #prolife #women #RoevWade
RT @rayvnnray@twitter.com
So what if a 16 year old tried to adopt a baby? She can't, she's not mature or financially stable enough to adopt a baby. But if she's pregnant, she has to raise that baby. Tell me how this makes sense.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/rayvnnray/status/1523645822508101637