Tra angeli e demoni: musica e vita del reverendo Gary Davis #Roebuck"Pops"Staples #MississippiJohnHurt #ReverendoGaryDavis #PeterPaulandMary #IsuonatoriJones #BlindBoyFuller #StaplesSingers #StefanGrossman #fingerpicking #JormaKaukonen #MavisStaples #DaveVanRonk #folkrevival #Recensioni #FurryLewis #SkipJames #spiritual #BobDylan #SonHouse #BobWeir #IanZack #ragtime #gospel #Blues #Peter
#Roebuck #mississippijohnhurt #ReverendoGaryDavis #peterpaulandmary #isuonatorijones #BlindBoyFuller #staplessingers #StefanGrossman #fingerpicking #jormakaukonen #mavisstaples #DaveVanRonk #FolkRevival #recensioni #furrylewis #skipjames #spiritual #bobdylan #sonhouse #bobweir #IanZack #ragtime #gospel #blues #peter
Beim Abendspaziergang habe ich diesen jungen Rehbock beim Abendessen im Weizenfeld erwischt!
#naturfotografie #Tierfotografie #wildlifephotography #Reh #Roebuck
#naturfotografie #Tierfotografie #wildlifephotography #Reh #Roebuck
Walking on roads through the open forestry land near us means solitude. I rarely meet a soul. The dog and I have the place to ourselves. No sheep or cattle here and so Brodie can be off the lead. Freedom to roam means peace and quiet. We did see a Roe Deer yesterday. He stood quietly staring at us. I took a photograph before he leapt into the trees and was gone. A moment of complete happiness.
#isleofskye #happiness #woodland #walk #momentstoremember #Roebuck
#Roebuck #momentstoremember #walk #woodland #happiness #isleofskye