I don't know why, but seeing the Barbie movie in this climate… It doesn't sit right with me. It screams beyond privilege and delusion, and I know that it's only me that could be thinking like this, which is why it is my opinion. But I'm curious if I'm the only one that thinks like this.
I know a person can’t just be all serious all the time. Heard it’s good though.
#Mythoughts #America #affirmativeaction #RoeVersusWade #lgbtrights #blacklivesmatter #gunreform
#gunreform #blacklivesmatter #lgbtrights #RoeversusWade #affirmativeaction #america #mythoughts
Also, lemme rant. How fucked up is it the #RichardBluementhal and the #USSenate made time for fucking #GOLF today, and it’s all over the news.
And exactly what has the Senate done for American Women as our rights to #bodilyautomomy have been removed!? FORTY PERCENT OF AMERICAN WOMEN WANT TO LEAVE OUR COUNTRY. Right now, today.
Where are the HEARINGS for #womens rights!? #lgbtq Rights!?
Oh wait, white men love golf! #roeversuswade #pga #liv
#richardbluementhal #ussenate #golf #bodilyautomomy #womens #lgbtq #RoeversusWade #pga #liv
The right to abortion is winning in all 🇺🇸States where a referendum was scheduled. In California, Michigan and Vermont final data is already in (they are still counting in Kentucky and Montana.
#RoeversusWade #electionday #Midterms2022
Trumps Plan ist aufgegangen
Reaktionärer Angriff auf die Menschenrechte in den USA
Mehr dazu und Petitionen bei actionnetwork.org
und https://act.winwithoutwar.org
Unsere Themen in der Presse Short-Link dieser Seite: a-fsa.de/d/3oe
Link zu dieser Seite: https://www.aktion-freiheitstattangst.org/de/articles/8060-20220625-trumps-plan-ist-aufgegangen.htm
Link im Tor-Netzwerk: http://a6pdp5vmmw4zm5tifrc3qo2pyz7mvnk4zzimpesnckvzinubzmioddad.onion/de/articles/8060-20220625-trumps-plan-ist-aufgegangen.htm
Tags: #SupremeCourt #USA #ObersterGerichtshof #RoeversusWade #Abtreibungsrecht #Trump #Proteste #Demos
#supremecourt #usa #ObersterGerichtshof #RoeversusWade #Abtreibungsrecht #trump #proteste #demos