What a great photograph to illustrate the Mr Man that #RogerHargreaves couldn't have foreseen - Mr Shifty.
Hoist by his own petard.
#RogerHargreaves #johnsonliar #comeuppance #torysleaze
[1974] Mr. Men - Children’s series based on the books by Roger Hargreaves, narrated by Arthur Lowe.
Mr Bump has had quite a number of jobs but has been sacked from every single one. Postman, farmer, carpenter, none are right. Will he ever get a job right for him? Not without a few additions to his bandages, that's for sure!
#OldBritishTelly #MrMen #RogerHargreaves #ArthurLowe
[1983] Little Miss - The adventures of the Little Miss characters created by Roger Hargreaves.
"Little Miss Splendid", Little Miss Splendid loves nothing more than Little Miss Splendid. She thinks she's too good to talk to "common" people, and definitely too good to ride a bus with them. But one day a rain cloud puts a wrench in her splendid life.
#OldBritishTelly #littlemiss #RogerHargreaves
[1975] Little Misses and the Mr. Men - "Mr Tickle". Narrated by Arthur Lowe.
#OldBritishTelly #LittleMisses #MrMen #RogerHargreaves #MrTickle
#OldBritishTelly #LittleMisses #MrMen #RogerHargreaves #MrTickle
[1974] Mr. Men - Children’s series based on the books by Roger Hargreaves. First episode: “Mr Happy”, always cheerful and forever optimist, Mr. happy looks on the bright side of life. Narrated by Mr. Arthur Lowe.
#OldBritishTelly #MrMen #RogerHargreaves #ArthurLowe