Myanmar: Six years since the forced displacement of >750,000 #Rohingya those responsible still lead the junta. Accountability for this crime remains an #EU priority. We advocate for the voluntary, safe, dignified and sustainable return of the Rohingya as soon as conditions allow.
Les drames de l'exil existent sur tous les continents mais le continent européen est celui qui est le plus mortifère pour les exilé.e.s
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Info-Birmanie: « Plus de 3 500 #Rohingya à bord de 39 embarcations ont tenté de traverser la mer d’Andaman et le golfe du Bengale en 2022, contre 700 l’année précédente, selon les données de l’agence des Nations unies pour les réfugiés datant de janvier.»
1/ Six years into the Rohingya refugee crisis, nearly 1 million #Rohingya remain stranded in Bangladesh's Cox's Bazar, their plight far from over.
“We cannot eat fully. We have to eat half of what we did before,” says Yasin, 20, one of the refugees receiving food aid from @WFP.
@Facebook must pay reparations for its role on the atrocities against the #Rohingya in #Myanmar. #NoBusinessWithGenocide
#CivilDisobedienceMovement #BloodMoneyMyanmar @rohingya_icr @genocideno @anewmyanmar
Click the link below.
#Rohingya #myanmar #nobusinesswithgenocide #CivilDisobedienceMovement #BloodMoneyMyanmar
Good meeting with State Minister for Foreign Affairs of Bangladesh @MdShahriarAlam today in Brussels about the latest developments of the #Rohingya crisis, by now already in its sixth year.
I have reiterated that the EU will not forget #Rohingyarefugees nor its hosts.
RT @farooq_ro
DON'T RUIN THE FUTURE OF #ROHINGYA #REFUGEE!! Why does no one think about the students who are finishing matric exam via CB schools and who have passed in Myanmar? They are very enthusiastic to continue their higher studies. #Refugee are human, and they deserve to be educated.
It was a busy week for our colleagues working on refugee issues: we delivered 8 🇪🇺statements at UNHCR Standing Committee, pledged our continued support for #Rohingya refugees & participated in panel discussions on Afghan refugees & our EU refugee response for 🇺🇦.
RT @slyarriola: My 💔 since the fire in Balukhali #Rohingya Camp in Cox’s Bazar🇧🇩 destroyed at least 2,000 shelters & affected 12,000 refugees. The Primary Health Center, health posts, youth centers, learning centers, mosques, water networks & 2 solid waste management facilities were destroyed.
RT @RohingyaMakzin: Massive Fire broke out in Rohingya Refugee Camp, Camp 11 in Bangladesh, today at 2:45 PM.
Almost 15,000 Refugees lost their home and food and everything. It's just some weeks before the Ramadan month.
#Refugees #Rohingya #emergency #help
Video: @SahatZia_Hero
#refugees #Rohingya #emergency #help
Discussed with @MdShahriarAlam of #Bangladesh today’s global crises: climate change and vulnerabilities of the LDCs, as well as the #Rohingya refugees hosted by Bangladesh.
This crisis is not forgotten. EU remains one of the largest humanitarian donors, with €287M since 2017.
RT @JosepBorrellF: Discussed with @MdShahriarAlam of #Bangladesh today’s global crises: climate change and vulnerabilities of the LDCs, as well as the #Rohingya refugees hosted by Bangladesh.
This crisis is not forgotten. EU remains one of the largest humanitarian donors, with €287M since 2017.
RT @JosepBorrellF: Discussed with @MdShahriarAlam of #Bangladesh today’s global crises: climate change and vulnerabilities of the LDCs, as well as the #Rohingya refugees hosted by Bangladesh.
This crisis is not forgotten. EU remains one of the largest humanitarian donors, with €287M since 2017.
#Myanmar has seen a dramatic increase in humanitarian needs since the military takeover. The situation of #Rohingya refugees requires continued life-saving assistance in #Bangladesh. Today, we are releasing over €43 million to support the most affected.
#Myanmar #Rohingya #Bangladesh
Dem Trailer nach zu urteilen ein sehr sehenswerter Film 🎥. Filmrezension und Trailer zu "Midwives" 👇. Über die Lebenssituation von den muslimischen #Rohingya im buddhistischen #Myanmar. When someone's problem is jingoism, they stop tolerating anyone else other than themselves, and that is the issue between #Bangladesh and #Rohingya
RT @UNGeneva: Universal Declaration of Human Rights #UDHR : our common standard for #HumanRights.
From Abkhaz to Zulu, it's available online in 5⃣3⃣8⃣languages (now in #Rohingya) + in #SignLanguages 👌🏼
🌟 #UDHR75 #StandUp4HumanRights
#UDHR #humanrights #Rohingya #signlanguages #UDHR75 #StandUp4HumanRights
Habe ein altes Infoblatt von uns über #Myanmar wiedergefunden. Die 120 000 #Rohingya leben heute nicht mehr im Rakhaing-Staat, auch die Hoffnungen auf #Meinungsfreiheit und zu politischen Gefangenen haben sich nicht bestätigt...
#Myanmar #Rohingya #Meinungsfreiheit
RT @RefugeesIntl
Last month, at least 3 boats, each carrying more than 100 #Rohingya from #Myanmar or the refugee camps in #Bangladesh, spent weeks abandoned at sea.
What can be done? Read more from @EndGenocideDan
#Rohingya #myanmar #Bangladesh
Seit langem gibt es wieder Berichte über geflüchtete #Rohingya, die auf hoher See in Seenot geraten. Sie fliehen nicht mehr nur aus #Myanmar, sondern auch aus überfüllten Lagern in #Bangladesch und landen dann in Internierungslagern in #SriLanka.
#Rohingya #Myanmar #Bangladesch #SriLanka
🧵#Israel/#Myanmar: In wie weit ist der israelische #Spyware Hersteller #Cognyte an der Ermordung von der #Rohingya-Bevölkerung in Myanmar verwickelt? Klage am obersten Gericht gegen #Cognyte und ungenannte Beamte des Verteidigungs- und Außenministeriums eingereicht. 1/x
#israel #Spyware #cognyte #Rohingya