Heute vor 20 Jahren waren meine schwangere Frau und ich in Manchester, wo wir abends die #RollingStones in der MEN Arena gesehen haben. Schöne Erinnerung!
großartige Jam-Session anfang der #80er zwischen #rollingstones und #muddywaters
ich liebe solche spontanen aufnahmen
#80er #RollingStones #MuddyWaters
I accidentally stumbled upon a painting by Guy Peelaert of The Rolling Stones in Nazi regalia with several naked young girls In disturbing positions (maybe ten years old?). Freaked, I googled! Very hard to find the image or much info, but I found this article. Great, informative comments at bottom. The painting I mentioned is at bottom of article. Man, the 70s were weird and dark!! #GuyPeelaert #RollingStones https://hipquotient.com/heil-heil-rock-n-roll-whats-with-brit-rockers-and-the-reich/
Tag -1: Get together zur #Zappanale #32
#BadDoberan, #Zappanale, #Zappatown, #Bundespolizei, #coverband, #rollingstones,
#zappanale #BadDoberan #zappatown #Bundespolizei #Coverband #RollingStones
Heute wieder #KULTURSOMMER!
Auf dem Vorplatz vom #JAC-#Kino in #Attendorn wird die #RollingStones-Tribute-Band #StickyFingers dem Publikum als zweiter Kultursommer-Gig kräftig einheizen.
Ohne Eintritt und draußen!
Infos 👇
#kultursommer #jac #kino #Attendorn #RollingStones #stickyfingers
Como curiosidad, podríamos decir que #StickyFingers, publicado el 23 de abril de 1971, es el álbum de los #RollingStones que trae por primera vez el famoso logotipo de la lengua que diseñó John Pasche por 50 libras. Aunque, desde ya, es mucho más que eso: una deliciosa combinación de R&B, blues, soul, country y rock 'n' roll. De esos trabajos que producen una conexión instantánea con el rasguido sucio, fatigado y seductor como dominador común en sus 46 minutos de recorrido.
#stickyfingers #RollingStones #EfemeridesRock
ganz ehrlich die #beatles waren nie "mein Ding", ich war eher #thewho oder #rollingstones Fraktion
nichtsdestotrotz, gibt so ein paar songs, die gefallen mir auch
der gehört dazu
und ja, ihr verdienst für die Mukke generell ist natürlich nicht abzustreiten
#beatles #thewho #RollingStones #TheWalrus
Cat’n’Dog #64 #catndog #daily #post #Experiment #toon #RollingStones #loseyourdream #loseyourmind #cantalwaysgetwhatyouwant #bestbandever #Cat #dog #heckya #naw #nah #nft
#catndog #daily #post #Experiment #toon #RollingStones #loseyourdream #loseyourmind #cantalwaysgetwhatyouwant #bestbandever #Cat #dog #heckya #naw #nah #nft
Los buenos tiempos
#pinkfloyd #rock #RollingStones #billyjoel #eltonjohn
#pinkfloyd #rock #RollingStones #billyjoel #eltonjohn
ich mochte die #rollingstones immer mehr, wie die #beatles
und ich finde auch den song nach über 40 Jahren immer noch klasse
Der musikalisch begabte RoboDog Spot vs. Mick Jagger, und ich würd jederzeit den Blechköter vorziehen 😬
#BostonDynamics #Spot #RollingStones #MickJagger
Listening to a #RollingStones mixed CD I had made and sorta forgot about. My goodness. The gems on this is fabulous. All B-Sides or rarer songs from across the spectrum of their career. This is some great stuff. Too many songs to hashtag. Any favorite #Stones songs out there?
Kochen und Exile on Main St. Das schmeckt 😎
Sweet Virginia und Essen. 👌
#stones #kochen #musik #RollingStones #exile
@TheAuthorVivian I like my coffee like I like my red doors... #meme #ISawTheSign #humor #funny #translation #anxiety #RollingStones
#meme #isawthesign #humor #funny #translation #anxiety #RollingStones
https://youtu.be/zIHSxTpa0I8 This video is adorable for so many reasons. These guys have their first brush with the Rolling Stones. I don't necessarily agree that this is their most famous or best song (I thrive on B Sides Stones), but the whole reaction was great. Especially when they click onto Start Me Up and back out fast. 1981 music videos were just that way, guys. It's just how it is. #rollingstones
RT @mairie7: Venez découvrir la magnifique exposition👅" The Rolling Stones"👅pr la talentueuse photographe @GHESQUIERE22
👉Installée du 24 nov au 15 déc -👅sur le hall 1 er étage @mairie7
👉 En exclusivité les photos prises lors des concert à Paris, à Lyon & à Berlin 2022
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/datirachida/status/1595811117078663168
Probablemente, la primera foto de los Rolling Stones, 1963
Probablemente, a primeira foto dos Rolling Stones, 1963.
Some people think the Stones' psychedelic period wasn't very good. Those people are fucking idiots.
What's not to love about this? It's perfect.
I remember a long time ago -- possibly back on Yahoo Groups, ha ha -- @Antonnewcombe pointed out that the Stones became a boring bar band after Brian died. That idea was super offensive to all the people (like me!) who consider the run of Beggars Banquet -> Let It Bleed -> Sticky Fingers -> Exile to be the greatest achievement of rock and roll history. But I'll be goddamned if old brother Anton was not half right.