Jamie Ray invited me on to his podcast, Fave Five From Fans, to discuss our five favorite Rom cameos. Give a listen and see how obscure I can get! Or count how many tangents I go off on! https://pod.link/1494494903/episode/e7047ce68356cc5876016f2f3faab968 #Rom #RomSpaceknight #FFFF #Podcast #Comics #ComicBooks
#comicbooks #comics #podcast #ffff #RomSpaceknight #rom
#Introduction I'm Eclectic Lee, a middle-aged geek/nerd who's into #ComedyMusic (#WeirdAl, #TheFuMP), #ClassicVideoGames (#Atari), & #ComicBooks (#RomSpaceknight, #NewUniverse). I particularly like when those interests cross over (#PacManFever, #AtariForce). Minor interests include #DouglasAdams, #StarWars, #StarTrek, #DoctorWho & #TheatreOrgan. I hate politics, but will occasionally boost a political post, although I try to keep it positive. I've been on this Internet thing since the 1990s.
#theatreorgan #doctorwho #startrek #starwars #douglasadams #atariforce #PacManFever #newuniverse #RomSpaceknight #comicbooks #atari #classicvideogames #thefump #weirdal #comedymusic #introduction
There's the distinct possibility that I will be appearing on some podcasts in the nearish future. Trust me, I'll let you know. #RomSpaceknight #LicensedComics #FaveFiveFromFans
#RomSpaceknight #licensedcomics #favefivefromfans
I saw a post on Facebook that there was a #RomSpaceknight ad in the recent reprint of She-Hulk (1979) #1, which I'd passed on a few weeks ago. Well, my LCS still had it, so I picked it up. Turns out there's THREE Rom ads inside!!!
I saw a post on Facebook that there was a #RomSpaceknight ad in the recent reprint of She-Hulk (1979) #1, which I'd passed on a few weeks ago. Well, my LCS still had it, so I picked it up. Turns out there's THREE Rom ads inside!!! 1/2
You may go hard, but do you go 80s comic toyline hard?
#billmantlo #SalBuscema #rom #RomSpaceknight #80s #80stoys
#Introduction I'm Eclectic Lee, a middle-aged geek/nerd who's into #ComedyMusic (#WeirdAl, #TheFuMP), #ClassicVideoGames (#Atari), and #ComicBooks (#RomSpaceknight, #NewUniverse). I particularly like when those interests cross over (#PacManFever, #AtariForce). Less prominent interests include #DouglasAdams (42!) and #TheatreOrgan. I hate politics, but will occasionally retweet, er, boost a political post, although I try to keep it positive. I've been on this Internet thing since the 1990s.
#ComedyMusic #weirdal #thefump #classicvideogames #atari #comicbooks #RomSpaceknight #NewUniverse #PacManFever #AtariForce #douglasadams #TheatreOrgan #introduction