RC2014 · @rc2014
1265 followers · 1056 posts · Server oldbytes.space

Oooh. What's this on the arcade (RCade) now?

Looks like is very close to a v3.2 release!!

#rc2014 #RomWBW

Last updated 1 year ago

I finally got my new setup working, replaced the 7 MHz cpu module with the SC111 one and it's whoopin' fast at 18.43 MHz !! ... *vroom* ๐ŸŽ๏ธโ€‹

Had to move the I/O port of the RTC module to 0x40 since it would otherwise collide with the Z180's internal ports. As a result, I also had to build a new RomWBW image and adapted RTC.COM for CP/M to match the new RTC port.

I'm using the SC111 in "Replacement Mode", with the and the 512K module by RottenSnow - works great!

No photo because due to the fully packed arrangement of the modules on my backplane, you'd have a hard time spotting the new CPU module among the other eleven. And really: it's just my same old workstation you have already seen so often ... ๐Ÿคทโ€‹

If I want to go back to 7.737 MHz I can just change the oscillator crystal and use the new CPU module at original speed. Nice! The board even comes with a seperate socket for a second crystal, so you can clock the Z180 serial ports seperately!

#rc2014 #z80 #Z180 #backplanepro #RomWBW

Last updated 2 years ago

Here's this week's sunday afternoon project:

today I've been tinkering with a cheap (used by many chash registers) connected to port B of my - so now I have a cheap printing option for my little fellow.

Using "DEVICE LST:=COM1" on my CP/M ( version ) I was immediately able to use the CP/M CTRL-P shortcut to print all input and output directly to the printer as well.

After some digging on the web, I actually found the proper Manual for the used by the printer here ("Printer Programmer Manual"):


P.S.: my tinkering was inspired by this article on hackaday.io


#qr203 #thermalprinter #sio2 #rc2014 #z80 #RomWBW #escapesequences

Last updated 2 years ago

@breadbin Oh, there are. In the in the Text File section (press 'i' at the BBS prompt). The "brief history of RC-BOX" contains details, so log in and find out ... heh

Also, the most crucial info is about BYE.COM, check my repos which contain my adapted version of BYE.COM and RBBS4.1 for the but keep in mind that all of this will only work reliably on based systems.

My repos are here:


and here:


#bbs #rc2014 #RomWBW

Last updated 2 years ago

If you are a user you may be interested in "ser2net" which will allow you to use your box as telnet gateway to directly access your serial adapter connected to your rc2014 and thus the console of the machine without the need of a module and .

Keep in mind that there's no authentication, once connected you will immediately given access to the rc2014 console!

The telnet connection will persist even when you reset your machine, displaying to you the whole or startup sequence. So it's like good old KVM console acces ...

Link here:


#rc2014 #ser2net #linux #FTDI #WifiModem #espterm #scm #RomWBW

Last updated 2 years ago

@drwho @rc2014 no, not needed. I prefer the rom as the project provides pre-built images you can directly falsh to the card, among many other great features. the SCM rom works different as you have to partition and prepare the cards from within SCM. not complicated, though.


Last updated 2 years ago

@jimblimey here you go: playing a PT3 tune using the tool "TUNE.COM" with Z-System 3 (CP/M 3 on steroids) on my - forgive the bad composite video grab.

P.S.: I had to re-grab the whole piece as I forgot the "--hbios" parameter for TUNE.COM the first time, making it sound somewhat wrong.

#RomWBW #rc2014

Last updated 2 years ago

Paradroyd · @paradroyd
585 followers · 1556 posts · Server mastodon.sdf.org

Dual serial I/O.

#cpm #sc131 #RomWBW

Last updated 4 years ago