Re #RomaHolocaustDay
Današnji dan podsjetnik je na 500 000 Roma ubijenih u okviru nacističkog režima.
@EU_Commission i #EU27 nastavljaju predanost i angažman u izgradnji unije ravnopravnosti u 🇪🇺 i promicanju uključenosti.
#RomaHolocaustDay #EU27 #UnionOfEquality
Ob #RomaHolocaustDay se poklanjamo spominu na 500 000 romskih žrtev holokavsta.
Preživelih in prič je vse manj, zato moramo mi ohranjati spomin in predajati njihova pričevanja mlajšim. Izobraževanje o holokavstu je temelj boja proti diskriminaciji, predsodkom in sovraštvu. 🔗👇
W Europejskim Dniu Pamięci o Holokauście Romów i Sinti oddajemy hołd setkom tysięcy romskich ofiar. Obowiązkiem Europy jest ochrona żyjących w niej mniejszości przed rasizmem i dyskryminacją.
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Отдаваме почит на паметта на стотиците хиляди роми, станали жертви на Холокоста, и си припомняме, че свободата, на която се радваме днес, е съпроводена с отговорност и изисква действия.
Европа има дълг да защитава своите малцинства от расизъм и дискриминация.
Romanien joukkotuhon eurooppalaisena muistopäivänä kunnioitamme holokaustin uhreina kuolleiden satojentuhansien romanien muistoa ja vakuutamme jälleen, että pyrimme kohti tasa-arvon unionia ja olemme sitoutuneita sen saavuttamiseen.
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European Commission: On #RomaHolocaustDay, we pay tribute to the 500,000 Roma murdered under the Nazi regime.
Roma people still face racism and discrimination. Together with the EU countries, we are working to fight anti-gypsyism in Europe and promote inclusion and participation.
#RomaHolocaustDay #UnionOfEquality
Today, on #RomaHolocaustDay, #WeRemember and pay tribute to the #Roma victims of the Holocaust.
Today and every day, at 🇪🇺@eu_near we will continue to support Roma equality, non-discrimination & inclusion.
Full statement 👉!Bb6npd
#RomaHolocaustDay #WeRemember #Roma
Avui, el dia en memòria de l'holocaust gitano, rendim tribut al mig milió de gitanos assassinats pel règim nazi. Els gitanos encara pateixen racisme i discriminació. Treballem junts per una societat més justa.#RomaHolocaustDay #UnionOfEquality!hkktVV
#RomaHolocaustDay #UnionOfEquality
On #RomaHolocaustDay, we pay tribute to the 500,000 Roma murdered under the Nazi regime.
Roma people still face racism and discrimination. This is why we continue working with the EU Countries on our Roma Strategic Framework for equality, inclusion and participation.
As the number of survivors and witnesses of these horrors dwindles, it is our duty to continue their remembrance and pass on their testimonies.
#RomaHolocaustDay #UnionOfEquality
RT @EUinPL: Dzisiaj, w Europejskim Dniu Pamięci o Holokauście Romów, komisarz ds. równości @helenadalli odwiedziła nazistowski obóz koncentracyjny Auschwitz-Birkenau, aby złożyć hołd 500 000 Romom zamordowanych w okupowanej przez nazistów Europie.
RT @eu_near: Today we commemorate the 500,000 European Roma murdered by the Nazi regime.
Remembering their persecution reminds us of the need to tackle the challenges they still face today.
Read the Statement on #RomaHolocaustDay by @vonderleyen, @VeraJourova, @helenadalli ↓
RT @EUinPL: Dzisiaj, w Europejskim Dniu Pamięci o Holokauście Romów, komisarz ds. równości @helenadalli odwiedziła nazistowski obóz koncentracyjny Auschwitz-Birkenau, aby złożyć hołd 500 000 Romom zamordowanych w okupowanej przez nazistów Europie.
Today we commemorate the 500,000 European Roma murdered by the Nazi regime.
Remembering their persecution reminds us of the need to tackle the challenges they still face today.
Read the Statement on #RomaHolocaustDay by @vonderleyen, @VeraJourova, @helenadalli ↓
Hoje , a UE 🇪🇺 presta homenagem aos 500.000 ciganos europeus assassinados pelo regime nazista.
Lembrar de sua perseguição nos lembra da necessidade de enfrentar os desafios que ainda enfrentam hoje.
Declaração no #RomaHolocaustDay por @vonderleyen
, @VeraJourova, @helenadalli
RT @EU_Commission: Today we commemorate the 500,000 European Roma murdered by the Nazi regime.
Remembering their persecution reminds us of the need to t…
Ma van a Roma Holokauszt emléknapja, emlékezzünk az áldozatokra!
A náci rezsim becslések szerint 500 000 roma származású embert gyilkolt meg kegyetlenül, és még ennél is többet küldött haláltáborokba.
Az EU-ban nincs helye az előítéleteknek!
#RomaHolocaustDay #UnionofEquality
#RomaHolocaustDay #UnionOfEquality
RT @EU_Commission: Today we commemorate the 500,000 European Roma murdered by the Nazi regime.
Remembering their persecution reminds us of the need to tackle the challenges they still face today.
Statement on #RomaHolocaustDay by @vonderleyen, @VeraJourova, @helenadalli ↓
On the #RomaHolocaustDay, we commemorate the 500,000 European Roma victims of the Holocaust who were murdered under the Nazi regime.
We must continue to address the challenges and discrimination Roma is still facing.
Statement by @vonderleyen, @VeraJourova and @helenadalli ⬇️
RT @EU_Commission: Today we commemorate the 500,000 European Roma murdered by the Nazi regime.
Remembering their persecution reminds us of the need to tackle the challenges they still face today.
Statement on #RomaHolocaustDay by @vonderleyen, @VeraJourova, @helenadalli ↓
Dzisiaj, w Europejskim Dniu Pamięci o Holokauście Romów, komisarz ds. równości @helenadalli odwiedziła nazistowski obóz koncentracyjny Auschwitz-Birkenau, aby złożyć hołd 500 000 Romom zamordowanych w okupowanej przez nazistów Europie.
Dziś oddajemy hołd 500 000 Romów i Sinti, którzy zginęli z rąk nazistów.
Te wydarzenia przypominają nam, że nie możemy być obojętni wobec dyskryminacji, z którą wciąż boryka się mniejszość romska.
Oświadczenie @vonderleyen, @VeraJourova, @helenadalli. ↓
Avui commemorem els 500.000 gitanos europeus assassinats pel règim nazi.
Recordar la seva persecució ens recorda la necessitat d'afrontar els reptes a què s'enfronten encara avui.
Declaració sobre el #RomaHolocaustDay de @vonderleyen, @VeraJourova, @helenadalli.
RT @EU_Commission: Today we commemorate the 500,000 European Roma murdered by the Nazi regime.
Remembering their persecution reminds us of the need to tackle…