'Roman Abramovich, the most secretive of oligarchs'.
Having become extremely wealthy, the businessman developed a taste for collecting art. But he also financed creative artists in Russia, even those highly critical of Putin's rule.
Part six of six in this Le Monde investigation.
#UK #London #Londongrad #Russia #USSR #Moscow #Ukraine #RomanAbramovich #Abramovich #Putin #Oligarchs #Chelsea #Art
#Art #chelsea #oligarchs #Putin #abramovich #RomanAbramovich #Ukraine #Moscow #ussr #Russia #Londongrad #London #UK
Roman Abramovich's new promised land.
'Roman Abramovich, the most secretive of oligarchs'. The war in Ukraine has made life in Europe more difficult for the Russian businessman, bringing him closer to his Jewish roots. He has settled in Israel, but his ties with Russia remain strong.
Part five of six in this Le Monde investigation.
#Israel #UK #London #Russia #USSR #Moscow #Ukraine #WarInUkraine #RomanAbramovich #Abramovich #Putin #Oligarchs #Chelsea
#chelsea #oligarchs #Putin #abramovich #RomanAbramovich #WARINUKRAINE #Ukraine #Moscow #ussr #Russia #London #UK #Israel
Roman Abramovich's life as a gentleman in Londongrad.
In the 2000s, the Russian businessman settled in the British capital. By buying Chelsea FC and forging friendships among the political and financial elite, he became an almost normal member of the British elite.
Part four of six in this Le Monde investigation.
#UK #London #Londongrad #Russia #USSR #Moscow #Ukraine #RomanAbramovich #Abramovich #Putin #Oligarchs #Chelsea
#chelsea #oligarchs #Putin #abramovich #RomanAbramovich #Ukraine #Moscow #ussr #Russia #Londongrad #London #UK
Os portugueses têm uma capacidade de adaptação muito grande a todas as circunstâncias.
Roman Abramovich the 'invisible man,' a business and survival specialist.
The oligarch managed to survive in the turmoil of the Russian business world and capitalise on all his experiences, including political ones, to bolster his invulnerability.
Part three of six in this Le Monde investigation.
#UK #London #Italy #Rome #Russia #USSR #Moscow #Ukraine #RomanAbramovich #Abramovich #Putin #Oligarchs
#oligarchs #Putin #abramovich #RomanAbramovich #Ukraine #Moscow #ussr #Russia #rome #Italy #London #UK
Looking for Roman Abramovich, the human chameleon and 'the most secretive of oligarchs'.
How Abramovich got hold of the USSR's oil.
The businessman, who lost his parents at a very young age, began building his fortune at the fall of the Soviet Union, during the Wild West of privatisations.
Part two of six in this Le Monde investigation.
#UK #London #Italy #Rome #Russia #USSR #Moscow #Ukraine #RomanAbramovich #Abramovich #Putin #Oligarchs
#oligarchs #Putin #abramovich #RomanAbramovich #Ukraine #Moscow #ussr #Russia #rome #Italy #London #UK
Looking for Roman Abramovich, the human chameleon and 'the most secretive of oligarchs'.
Le Monde traced the career of this mysterious and elusive businessman. From the world of oil to the Kremlin's corridors, from London to Ukraine, he embodies post-Soviet Russia and the Putin years.
Part one of six in this Le Monde investigation.
#UK #London #Italy #Rome #Russia #Moscow #Ukraine #RomanAbramovich #Abramovich #Putin #Oligarchs
#oligarchs #Putin #abramovich #RomanAbramovich #Ukraine #Moscow #Russia #rome #Italy #London #UK
Revealed: how Cypriot firm helped the ‘Orthodox oligarch’ after he was placed under sanctions #RomanAbramovich https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/apr/18/cypriot-firm-orthodox-oligarch-sanctions-konstantin-malofeyev
UK imposes sanctions on 'financial fixers' for Russian oligarchs Abramovich, Usmanov #RomanAbramovich https://www.reuters.com/world/uk-sanctions-financial-fixers-russian-oligarchs-abramovich-usmanov-2023-04-12/
Roman Abramovich secretly bankrolled Dutch football club, leaked documents suggest #RomanAbramovich https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/mar/29/roman-abramovich-secretly-bankrolled-dutch-football-club-leaked-documents-suggest
Russian oligarchs still swerving sanctions #RomanAbramovich https://news.yahoo.com/russian-oligarchs-still-swerving-sanctions-095946080.html
Leak reveals Roman Abramovich’s billion-dollar trusts transferred before Russia sanctions
Exclusive: Files raise questions about whether oligarch’s children were made beneficiaries to protect fortune from possible asset freezes
#russia #sanctions #offshoreaccounts #RomanAbramovich #londongrad
Sanction Abramovich’s children.
#Londongrad #RomanAbramovich #offshoreaccounts #sanctions #Russia
Abramovich: «Scelto il meglio per il futuro del Chelsea» #Onefootball #RomanAbramovich #28maggio https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuY2FsY2lvZWZpbmFuemEuaXQvMjAyMi8wNS8yOC9hYnJhbW92aWNoLXNhbHV0aS1jaGVsc2VhLw==
#28maggio #RomanAbramovich #Onefootball
RT @CovertShores@twitter.com
Photos emerge as Russians get to see inside #RomanAbramovich mega-yacht Nord which has run to Vladivostok
Thread detailing the various toys we see. Incredible
Not sure of original source, but shared on a Russian social media account (thanks!)
Context http://www.hisutton.com/Russian-Oligarch-Yacht-Nord-In-Vladivostok.html
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/CovertShores/status/1512866489006710786