The Meroe Head, so-called because it was found beneath a temple in the ruins of Meroe, is the head of a larger-than life statue of Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus (better known as Augustus Caesar) the first Emperor of Rome (reigned 31 BCE-14 CE). #History #Augustus #Meroe #RomanArt
#RomanArt #meroe #augustus #History
The sculpture group of Laocoön and His Sons, on display in the Vatican since its rediscovery in 1506 CE, depicts the suffering of the Trojan prince and priest Laocoön (brother of Anchises) and his young sons Antiphantes and Thymbraeus and is one of the most famous and fascinating statues of antiquity. #History #RomanArt #RomanMythology #RomanSculpture
#romansculpture #RomanMythology #RomanArt #History
Statue représentant une nymphe (Ier-IIe s.). Cette sculpture en marbre etait présentée dans l’exposition consacrée à la collection #Torlonia #romanworld #art #museum #arte #dailydoseofart #antiquity #arthistory #storiadellarte #romanart #beniculturali #arteromana #spqr #sculptureart #ancient #arteantica #artphotography #musee #ancientworld #ancientwonders #archaeology #archéologie #culture #patrimoine #tourisme #sculpture #tesori_italiani #tesoriitaliani
#Torlonia #romanworld #art #museum #arte #dailydoseofart #antiquity #arthistory #StoriaDellArte #RomanArt #beniculturali #arteromana #spqr #sculptureart #ancient #arteantica #artphotography #musee #ancientworld #ancientwonders #archaeology #archeologie #culture #patrimoine #tourisme #sculpture #tesori_italiani #tesoriitaliani
Roman stela found in Phrygia (2nd century AD) representing two women and the objects that usually characterize them: mirrors, baskets, spindles and distaffs.
It is currently in a private collection #romanart
Sculpture représentant Marsyas après son écorchement (marbre, Ier-IIe s. ?). Il avait été condamné par Apollon. L’œuvre était présentée dans le cadre de l’exposition consacrée à la collection #Torlonia aux Musées capitolins à #Rome. #MuseiCapitolini #sculpture #RomanArt
#Torlonia #rome #MuseiCapitolini #sculpture #RomanArt
Good bois in Roman Art 🐕
1) Hunting scene (Sousse Archaeological Museum, Tunisia).
2) Dog on a lead (Bardo Museum, Tunisia).
3) Dog hunting (within a Roman villa in Sicily).
4) Boy with puppy (Palace of Constantine the Great, Istanbul).
#art #mosaic #RomanArt #dogs #goodbois #dogsinart
Ancient Rome: Stunningly preserved bronze statues found in Italy
#AncientRome #RomanArt #Bronze
#ancientrome #RomanArt #bronze
This is my very own replica! I got it from Potted History a few years back. If you love it, you can get one here:
#PhallusThursday #replica #history #pottery #rec #RomanArt #ancientRome
#phallusthursday #replica #history #pottery #rec #RomanArt #ancientrome
Roman oil lamp of the Loeschke IV type with an erotic decoration: A winged, legged phallus with a little phallus of its own.
Roman, mid-first century CE
made a beautiful replica!
#RomanArchaeology #ancientRome #archaeology #RomanArt #fascinus
#phallusthursday #romanarchaeology #ancientrome #archaeology #RomanArt #fascinus