La Pieta (Ossip Zadkine, 1955-57). Painted #elm #wood #sculpture. In the golden limestone #Romanesque crypt of Saint-Laurens, Les Arques, #Lot #France. #Virtues #Religion #Art
#Art #Religion #virtues #France #lot #Romanesque #sculpture #wood #elm
Bits of #Segovia from a trip 10 years ago.
#Romanesque #photography #segovia
#FontsonFriday with this #Romanesque beauty from St Peters, Tickencote, mid-to-late c12
#fontsonfriday #Romanesque #churchcrawling
#AdoorableThursday still at Earls Barton - the later #Romanesque portal
#adoorablethursday #Romanesque #norman
#MedievalMonday and one i've been meaning to tick off the list since forever, finally got to Tickencote this week
its even more askew when you're there in person, love it to bits, its sort of a shame that the outside looks a lot more sanded down
#medievalmonday #norman #Romanesque #rutland
A week is a long time in #LinoCut. I think I have finally understood the rudiments. My take on Fountains Abbey, #Yorkshire. #Lino. #BlackAndWhite #Medieval #Romanesque #Architecture #Rehab #medievodons
#medievodons #rehab #architecture #Romanesque #medieval #BlackAndWhite #lino #yorkshire #linocut
#MedievalMonday & is there any place quite like Ely Cathedral? to my mind the most exceptional Cathedral in England
loved being back this week
#medievalmonday #norman #cathedral #Romanesque
#SteepleSaturday and the very beautiful Church of St Kyneburgha, Castor
Particularly love the #romanesque work, if it looks familiar Castor was featured on a timeteam dig
#SteepleSaturday #Romanesque #norman #churchcrawling
#TympanumTuesday & it is of course the incomparable priors door at Ely Cathedral
#tympanumtuesday #ely #cathedral #Romanesque
Whiteinch and Jordanvale Parish Church on Squire Street in Glasgow.
Built in 1911 and designed by Macgregor Chalmers, this Romanesque Revival former church is now residential flats.
#glasgow #whiteinch #buildings #architecture #churches #romanesque #glasgowbuilding #glasgowarchitecture #buildingphotography #architecturephotography
#architecturephotography #buildingphotography #glasgowarchitecture #glasgowbuilding #Romanesque #churches #architecture #buildings #whiteinch #glasgow
Sandwiched between a university archives building and student accommodation (what else!) on Dunaskin Street in Glasgow stands this Romanesque tower. It's all that's left of the old Scotstoun Flour Mill. It closed in 2013, finally ending Partick's many centuries long association with milling.
#glasgow #partick #oldbuildings #romanesque #romanesquearchitecture #glashowbuildings #glasgowhistory #towers #glasgowtowers
#glasgowtowers #towers #glasgowhistory #glashowbuildings #romanesquearchitecture #Romanesque #oldbuildings #Partick #glasgow
Ludwig II. von Bayern Schloss 🇩🇪
#Neuschwanstein #Schloss #Bayern #Deutschland #Romanesque #Palace #Architecture #Germany #Schwangau
(Video ©️Lukas Richter)
#schwangau #Germany #architecture #palace #Romanesque #Deutschland #bayern #Schloss #neuschwanstein
I find this so tender and beautiful. Le Songe des Rois Mages (Dream of the Magi).
Autun, Cathédrale Saint Lazare, ca. 1120-30. Capital on the east side of the NE crossing pillar. Gislebertus’ name is carved on the tympanum
The original sculptures are on display in the Musée Rolin near the Cathedral.
#histodon #histodons #medievodons #medieval #Romanesque #art #medievalart #sculpture #epiphany #threekings #threewisemen #magi #cathedral
#histodon #histodons #medievodons #medieval #Romanesque #art #medievalart #sculpture #epiphany #threekings #threewisemen #magi #cathedral
Tamén en #Ourense paseino bastante guay no claustro de #SanFrancisco vendo cada detalle, as mini caritas e animaliños chungos desta fantasía de peza escultórica monumental de transición entre o Románico e o Gótico.
#XIVcentury #gothic #romanesque #sculpture #artegalega #historiadaarte #arthistory #medieval #middleages #idademedia
#Ourense #sanfrancisco #xivcentury #gothic #Romanesque #sculpture #artegalega #historiadaarte #arthistory #medieval #middleages #idademedia
Sniffing out the #Romanesque parts of #Winchester #Cathedral. South transept and Chapter House.
#cathedral #winchester #Romanesque
Southwell Minster is simply magnificent. In all seasons. At every hour of the day. From all angles. I can’t get enough of it. It was looking great an hour ago. #Southwell #Minster #Romanesque #Church #Architecture #Medieval #Nottinghamshire
#nottinghamshire #medieval #architecture #church #Romanesque #minster #southwell
#Imageoftheday on #Advent Sunday: the tympanum above the west door of the #Romanesque Abbey Church of Sainte Foy, Conques in France. It shows Christ in Majesty presiding over the Last Judgment and dates from the early 12th century. The church was a major stopping-point for pilgrims on their way to Santiago da Compostela.
#Romanesque #advent #imageoftheday
#ImageOfTheDay on Wednesday, the Feast of St #MargaretQueenOfScotland who died on this day in 1093. A #Romanesque pier in the nave of #Dunfermline Abbey which she founded, & where she was buried along with her husband King Malcolm III (Canmore). Their son David I was also buried here in 1153.
I suppose the reforming & pioneering Margaret & David could become the patron saints of #MastodonScot….
#mastodonscot #dunfermline #Romanesque #margaretqueenofscotland #imageoftheday
From a visit a while back to the incredible 12th century St Athernase church in Leuchars, along the north-east coast of Fife in Scotland. Featuring #Romanesque blind arcading and corbel heads, including a ridiculously cute horse (pic 3, left).
#heritage #architecture #fife #scotland #churcharchitecture #Romanesque