Gabriel Hex 🧿 :_penta: · @witchpunkboi
394 followers · 1478 posts · Server

Just discovered a Scottish-Romani man on Tiktok named Dean Rheams who is trying to make a thing. It started off with his story of a vardo spaceship, and now I have

Im in my sci-fi arc, folks. There's so much you can do with this.

#grtfuturism #Romani #romanichal #futurism #SciFi

Last updated 1 year ago

Rita Singer · @_bydbach_
126 followers · 433 posts · Server

'Mae’r delynores Cerys Hafana wedi bod yn siarad am y cyfnod pan wnaeth hi godi gwrychyn rhai o hoelion wyth byd y delyn deires Gymreig. [...] Mae’n disgrifio ei hun fel person cwiar sy’n achosi dryswch i lawer o bobl sydd ddim yn siŵr ai merch neu fachgen ydi hi.
“Mae’n eironig bod y bobl sy’n clodfori Nansi Richards gymaint yn ofni dylanwadau allanol rŵan. Achos yr unig reswm mae’r deires yn dal i gael ei chwarae ydi’r dylanwad allanol wnaeth wedyn droi mewn i ddylanwad mewnol wedyn, wrth gwrs, wrth i’r Romani ddod yn rhan hollbwysig o ddiwylliant Cymru.”'

#minoritylanguages #folkmusic #tripleharp #Wales #Romani #queerstudies

Last updated 1 year ago

Infrapink (he/his/him) · @Infrapink
180 followers · 2488 posts · Server

So here's the history of the in 15 minutes.


Last updated 1 year ago

Auschwitz Memorial · @auschwitzmuseum
77757 followers · 664 posts · Server
Romeo Franz · @romeofranz1
5 followers · 103 posts · Server

This is a great story of how to tear down barriers and foster social . people are fighting against the Russian war of agression in and protecting their homeland as well as their families✊


#Inclusion #Romani #Ukraine

Last updated 2 years ago

Auschwitz Memorial · @auschwitzmuseum
77035 followers · 648 posts · Server

15 January 1944 | Five Roma newborn girls who were born in the so-called Zigeunerlager at the BIIe sector in Auschwitz II-Birkenau camp were registered with numbers from Z-9752 to Z-9756.

387 Roma children were born in the camp. None of them survived.

Learn about the fate of some 23 thousand Roma and Sinti deported to Auschwitz.
See our online lesson:


Listen to the podcast about their story:


#auschwitz #roma #Sinti #Romani #gypsies

Last updated 2 years ago

Dean Rheims · @DeanRheims
3 followers · 25 posts · Server
Petr Nuska · @petrnuska
24 followers · 52 posts · Server

Call for volunteers

Discover Summer Academy – International summer school in

#Romani #slovakia #opreroma

Last updated 2 years ago

PERPERIKON · @perperikon
156 followers · 243 posts · Server

I'm tired of .
like to think they are better than gypsies and mostly they are, because it is easy to compare yourself to that pathological environment full of violence, drugs and exploitation that is the community and think you are better. Underneath the pale skin, however, you can see the same shade of moral rot, just in a different packaging.
The celebrate Christmas like this: a mother, about 20-25 years old, already 30+ in appearance, with a four-year-old girl dressed in a pretty dress walks through the underground metro cars with a loudspeaker in her backpack, singing Christmas carols and horribly faking it. The girl is intimidated, puzzled, and when she catches my disgusted gaze, she suddenly lowers her head in shame. I am disgusted. I am saddened that a parent is using their child in the role of such a clown and laughing stock to make a few pennies. The girl can be happy anyway, because now she's singing carols on the metro and bothering people, and in five or seven years they'll send her out on the street to prostitute herself.
Romanians celebrate Christmas like this: I walk in the night from a Christmas business party. I refused to take a taxi to calm down a bit. Three o'clock at night. I see two girls, about 12 years old, by the walkway. They come up to me, frightened, asking for money. Where are the , I ask? Do they know that their children are walking this late in ?
The parents know because they sent them there themselves - the girls had scrounged up too little that day, so the parents beat them up and threw them out on the street to raise a predetermined amount. Without it, they will not be allowed into the house. The girls ask not to call the police because their brother has stayed home, he is 3 years old and they are afraid for him.
And this is how we spend Christmas - knowing, seeing, and unable to do anything about it.

#bucharest #parents #gypsies #Romani #Romanians #christmas

Last updated 2 years ago

Salzamt · @Salzamt
122 followers · 527 posts · Server

RT @VassilisTsarnas
: Yesterday, protesters took the streets of Athens in solidarity with a 16yo boy who was shot in the head by the police, in Thessaloniki the day before. "The cops fired because he was " - says the graffiti writing on the wall, in a rare show of popular 1/

#greece #Romani #Roma

Last updated 2 years ago

Auschwitz Memorial · @auschwitzmuseum
31684 followers · 104 posts · Server

The Emmler Sinti family deported to Auschwitz.

From the left: Wally (b. 1936), Elisabeth (b. 1917), Ali (b. 1938) and Oscar (b. 1935)

Ali Emmler perished in the camp on 24 November 1943.

Our podcast tells about the fate of Sini & Roma in Auschwitz:

See also our online lesson:

#auschwitz #birkenau #history #histodons #nazis #germany #roma #Sinti #Romani #family #neverforget #WW2 #worldwar2 #memorial #podcast #education

Last updated 2 years ago

Ancient Sounds · @ancientsounds
81 followers · 125 posts · Server

@nickembling Yes I recall that too. But that could be a of people who didn't know the source language. Like “crayfish” (not a fish, but an Anglicization of French écrevisse). Hard to be sure tho. But quite a few words have found their way into English, unbeknown to most ppl

#folk #etymology #Romani

Last updated 2 years ago

Ancient Sounds · @ancientsounds
23 followers · 55 posts · Server

Why is a white horse called a “grey” (or “gray”)? Doesn't make much sense, right?

Except it does. Anglo- “grey”, Euroromani “graj”, just means “horse”

#Romani #etymology

Last updated 2 years ago

laurenthetical · @ren
129 followers · 73 posts · Server

My grandfather told me when I was little that much of our ancestry were gypsies (his word). Is this likely to be people in Hungary, or a different group of people? What are the possible relationships here?

My grandma was (it's possible she was the one who told me this and I remembered incorrectly).

I also have ancestry on the Hungarian side, if that is more applicable.

#hungarian #Romani #polish #Tatar

Last updated 2 years ago

Der schwule Geist vom Jörg · @schwulgeist
94 followers · 485 posts · Server

Heut ist Welttag der 🥳

Ich grüße meine und Geschwister weltweit!!

Lacho dives!! 👋✊

#Romani #sprachen #roma #sinti #Romanes #kultur

Last updated 2 years ago

Today marks the World Day of language 🤲. Elena Maruschiakova’s research brought to light untold stories of the ”. @univofstandrews @UNESCO

Discover more 👉


#Romani #EUfunded #Romacommunity

Last updated 2 years ago

Carlo Calenda · @CarloCalenda
5 followers · 4715 posts · Server

Eccone un altro. La scorsa legislatura spesa solo a spiegare che i grillini erano peggio dei fascisti. E ora? “I colleghi che hanno saputo cambiare”.
Guarda Andrea che Conte, leader dei colleghi che hanno saputo cambiare, ha la stessa posizione della Raggi. Identica.
RT @AndreaRomano9: Una cosa sola dovrebbe dire @virginiaraggi a e ai : “Scusatemi e dimenticatemi”. E invece insiste, fomenta, raccoglie, rilancia. Con t…


#Roma #Romani

Last updated 2 years ago

EU Justice · @EU_Justice
52 followers · 261 posts · Server

RT @eu_near: Get ready for the !

A series of events dedicated to people in Europe, the largest ethnic minority & yet the most discriminated against, will take place 16-18 May at @europarl_en.

👉Visit to sign up


#RomaniWeek2022 #Romani #European

Last updated 2 years ago

EU NEAR🇪🇺 · @eu_near
112 followers · 4527 posts · Server

Get ready for the !

A series of events dedicated to people in Europe, the largest ethnic minority & yet the most discriminated against, will take place 16-18 May at @europarl_en.

👉Visit to sign up


#RomaniWeek2022 #Romani #European

Last updated 2 years ago