Asta McCarthy · @AstaMcCarthy
225 followers · 2998 posts · Server

"De Nederlandse politie schendt het recht op privacy van demonstranten"
Dat is ook mijn ervaring, bij demonstraties gebruikt de politie een totale surveillance tactiek: ieder individu wordt in beeld gebracht en geïdentificeerd door surveillance camera's, drones en agenten met grote telelenzen. En dan heb ik het nog niet eens over de romeo's gehad die doen alsof ze bij de demonstranten horen.

#politie #privacy #demonstratierecht #drones #surveillance #Romeos #amnesty_international

Last updated 1 year ago

Peppi · @peppea
6 followers · 143 posts · Server
Sir Hendrick ⚔️ · @SirHendrick
423 followers · 6931 posts · Server

Here you witness the limited effectiveness of the water cannon, an arrest by the (AE) and how we were surrounded by police vans. 🇳🇱

#Romeos #museumplein

Last updated 4 years ago

Sir Hendrick ⚔️ · @SirHendrick
423 followers · 6931 posts · Server

🇳🇱 Meanwhile in , some people were getting together for some coffee. It was nice until the , and started getting rowdy. ☕

#thehague #playmobils #wasps #Romeos #CoffeeDrinking

Last updated 4 years ago

Sir Hendrick ⚔️ · @SirHendrick
423 followers · 6931 posts · Server

Another day of in , .
It is said to have gotten rough with riot police, and (random) arrests.

#protest #thehague #gitmolowlands #Romeos

Last updated 4 years ago

Sir Hendrick ⚔️ · @SirHendrick
423 followers · 6931 posts · Server

Tinus has the outcome of the arrests made during the : None of the arrested will be prosecuted. Cases dismissed. That means that the man who will be limping for the rest of his life (Thomas), because he insulted a cop, had his leg broken over nothing. 🚔

#farmerprotests #policebrutality #Romeos

Last updated 4 years ago

Sir Hendrick ⚔️ · @SirHendrick
423 followers · 6931 posts · Server

Here's a good example of why protesting in is risky. A demonstrator on his scooter is summoned by a cop to go away. He refuses. The cops react mercilessly. They're called 'Romeo's' these guys. 🚔

#thehague #gitmolowlands #socialdistancing #protest #Romeos

Last updated 5 years ago