#FloridaKills #RonDeathSantis
South Florida mourns death of another farmworker as advocates fight for heat protections https://www.nbcnews.com/news/latino/south-florida-mourns-death-another-farmworker-advocates-fight-heat-pro-rcna95378
Sell all shares of Florida!
#FloridaIsDead #RonDeathSantis #Florida
Farmers to end home, auto coverage in Florida, pull back in California over natural disaster costs https://thehill.com/policy/energy-environment/4091628-farmers-to-end-home-auto-coverage-in-florida-pull-back-in-california-over-natural-disaster-costs/
#Florida #RonDeathSantis #floridaisdead
https://www.politico.com/news/2023/04/19/florida-desantis-travel-records-00092969 Florida fascists poised to make corrupt DeSantis’ travel records secret
Open government advocates called it one of the worst ever proposed exemptions to the state’s much-lauded Sunshine Law.
#RonDeathSantis has used private chartered planes — or planes used by prominent Floridians — on out-of-state trips such as those connected with his book promotional tours. The governor’s office has said no state dollars have been used on those trips & "he thinks about those things"
Watch "Steve Schmidt: The complete collapse of #FascistRonDeSantis campaign | The Warning" on YouTube https://youtu.be/-SyyVNd_YQU #RonDeathSantis #GOPMAGAextremist #VoteBlueToSaveAmerica
#fascistrondesantis #RonDeathSantis #gopmagaextremist #VoteBlueToSaveAmerica
https://www.cnn.com/2023/04/17/politics/desantis-disney-takeover-florida/index.html?utm_medium=social&utm_content=2023-04-17T20%3A01%3A35&utm_source=fbCNN&utm_term=link&mibextid=unz460 Florida Gov. #RonDeathSantis Ron DeSantis on Monday threatened to build a prison or a competing theme park near the Magic Kingdom or raise taxes on #WaltDisneyWorld to retaliate against the company for resisting a state takeover of its special taxing district #FascistFlorida
#RonDeathSantis #waltdisneyworld #fascistFlorida
https://www.thedailybeast.com/ron-desantis-may-fall-into-his-own-abortion-trap Ron DeSantis May Fall Into His Own Abortion Trap
Republican megadonors are pleading with Fl Governor Ron DeSantis to not sign the six-week abortion ban headed to his desk #RonDeathSantis has also signed legislation to carry firearms without a permit in the state, and he is pushing through a package of immigration reforms that would make it easier to deport illegal migrants from the state and punish those who would assist them.
Make America Florida #FloridaFascism
#RonDeathSantis #floridafascism
https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/4/13/florida-governor-desantis-to-sign-six-week-abortion-ban Health #AbortionIsAHumanRight #AnortionIsHealthcare #RonDeathSantis #FloridaFascism #ForcedBirthKillsWomen
Florida Governor DeSantis to sign six-week abortion ban
DeSantis, a Republican leader and possible contender for the US presidency in 2024, is expected to sign the bill into law.
#AbortionIsAHumanRight #anortionishealthcare #RonDeathSantis #floridafascism #forcedbirthkillswomen
https://mpost.tribel.com/public/posts/cb9e78c0-da51-11ed-b06f-bd70d6546a24 MeidasTouch
Holy shit. Ron DeSantis just gave a low-energy speech in Akron, Ohio where he ranted against Republicans who are "like potted plants" who "hope to not have to make decisions" until they're forced to.
He said this as Fort Lauderdale, FL is underwater from historic flooding. #RonDeathSantis #goptraitors #ChristianFascists #FloridaFascistState
#RonDeathSantis #goptraitors #christianfascists #floridafasciststate
https://www.newsweek.com/ron-desantis-100m-private-florida-army-raises-questions-1786877. Fascist Ron DeSantis' $100m for Florida "Private Army" Raises Questions
Mar 10, 2023 — Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is requesting $98 million in funding this year to boost the Florida State Guard, #RonDeathSantis is planning his own private jackboots. #FloridaFascistState #MAGAextremistRepublicans
#RonDeathSantis #floridafasciststate #magaextremistrepublicans
2 things to say about #RonDeSantis moving to expand #DontSayGay: 1) It will leave #LGBTQ kids feeling even more isolated and alone, and some will die because of it; 2) It's absolutely on brand for Axios to frame this strictly in cold-blooded political terms with no acknowledgement of the human cost. F*** #RonDeathSantis and f*** the Beltway press.
#RonDeathSantis #lgbtq #DontSayGay #rondesantis
https://apnews.com/article/dont-say-gay-desantis-florida-gender-d3a9c91f4b5383a5bf6df6f7d8ff65b6 #RonDeathSantis administration is moving to forbid classroom instruction on sexual orientation and gender identity in ALL grades,1-12 He's expanding the #ChristianFascist “Don’t Say Gay” Bill as the #governor continues to focus on cultural issues ahead of his expected presidential run.
The proposal, which would not require legislative approval, is scheduled for a vote next month befor #MAGArepublicanExtremist
#RonDeathSantis #christianfascist #governor #magarepublicanextremist
https://www.thedailybeast.com/trumpworld-attacks-ron-desantis-over-not-condemning-looming-trump-indictment Other MAGA-diehards took it a step further. Far-right radio host Stew Peters called upon DeSantis to enlist the Florida National Guard to protect Trump at his Mar-a-Lago estate from being arrested #TrumpCult #RonDeathSantis #ArrestTrump #MAGAextremists
#trumpcult #RonDeathSantis #arresttrump #magaextremists
In wake of Florida law, additional states seek to restrict certain #LGBTQ discussions in schools
https://www.cnn.com/2023/03/18/politics/lgbtq-school-discussions/index.html. Fascist Bills similar to #RonDeathSantis Florida's controversial legislation that bans certain instruction about sexual orientation and gender identity in schools are being considered in at least 15 states, data compiled by the ACLU shows #GOPfascism #MAGArepublicanExtremism #FreeSpeech #Bookbans #VoteBlue2024
#lgbtq #RonDeathSantis #gopfascism #magarepublicanextremism #freespeech #Bookbans #VoteBlue2024
https://www.thedailybeast.com/the-republican-2024-presidential-campaign-trail-is-already-getting-gov-ron-desantis-proofed #RonDeathSantis efforts at avoiding any pointed questions from the press or public is a campaign disaster
The chatter over DeSantis’ public engagement has also surfaced past unflattering stories about his social skills—particularly, his propensity to devour food during meetings.
“He would sit in meetings and eat in front of people, always like a starving animal who has never eaten before… getting shit everywhere.” He even ate chocolate pudding with three fingers #MAGA
Dead Fish Killed By Red Tide Plaguing Florida Beaches
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X697KVqcup4. #pollution #fertilizer #chemicalrunoff #rickscott #redtide #florida #fish #RonDeathSantis #climatechange #gulfofmexico #oceans
#pollution #fertilizer #chemicalrunoff #rickscott #redtide #florida #fish #RonDeathSantis #climatechange #gulfofmexico #oceans
https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/trump-trolls-ron-desantis-cpac-speech-rcna73385 This may be #OrangeMussolini most fascist rant to date He is threatening everyone while Merrick Garland twiddels his thumbs Trump trolls #RonDeathSantis in CPAC speech while vowing 'retribution' for his enemies
Trump did not mention the Florida governor by name, but his potential rival was the subject of some thinly veiled shots in a speech that promised a "final battle" for America."
#orangemussolini #RonDeathSantis
Lets stop calling it conservative #NewCollege is the canary in the coal mine for #Fascism https://www.nytimes.com/2023/02/14/us/ron-desantis-new-college-florida.html The fascist Florida state has replaced the Board members of a progressive #LGBTQ safe racially, culturally diverse #NewCollege #RonDeathSantis with #ChristianFascist lackeys. The STATE has made it harder for faculty members to retain tenure, asked students & faculty to fill out a survey about their political leanings & requested information about resources for transgender students.
#newcollege #fascism #lgbtq #RonDeathSantis #christianfascist
https://www.tcpalm.com/story/news/education/2023/02/23/indian-river-st-lucie-school-board-members-on-desantis-list-to-unseat-in-2024/69935755007/ Gov. #RonDeathSantis has taken aim at three Treasure Coast school board members, saying they need to be ousted next year for not shielding students from "woke" ideologies and for failing to protect parents' rights. #GOPdeathParty #MAGAfascists
#RonDeathSantis #gopdeathparty #magafascists