RT @FamilySearchEur
En 1872 a commencé une « reconstitution » de l’état civil de Paris qui avait disparu dans les incendies de la Commune en 1860. Grâce à ce travail énorme, plus de 2,5 millions d’actes existent aujourd’hui.
#rootstech #étatcivil #paris
#Genealogy: Let’s see if we’re #related. Join #RootsTech and we can find out. https://www.familysearch.org/en/connect/b72a8a10-4959-4bd5-b39d-f99b00e8a946/friend/MMM4-YT4?cid=rar_twitter #FamilySearch (link was for twitter - it may need truncating here!)
#familysearch #Rootstech #related #genealogy
I finally got my day 2 at #RootsTech #Genealogy Conference notes typed up. I'm glad this is available virtually. Lots of great sessions to watch.
Nouveau sur le blog : Comment débloquer votre généalogie.
Dans cet article, je vous propose une méthodologie en 4 étapes, basée sur la présentation faite à #RootsTech par @CristaCowan, @DNAdiahan et Janet Havorka.
#Généalogie https://la-gazette-des-ancetres.fr/comment-debloquer-votre-genealogie/
Just watched Myko Clelland’s #RootsTech presentation about cemeteries. Not to be missed! #genealogy #NotAtRootsTech
#Rootstech #genealogy #notatrootstech
I've participating in #RootsTech 2023 virtually. This is my wrap up of day 1. #genealogy #geneadons http://www.researchjournal.yourislandroutes.com/2023/03/rootstech-2023-virtual-day-one-wrap-up/
#Rootstech #genealogy #Geneadons
#RootsTech Sortir des sentiers battus et s'intéresser aux autres généalogies. Un sujet pointu, mais passionnant.
Books of the Past - Japanese Buddhist Death Registers https://youtu.be/m2lwgCFjvtQ
We'll be attending #RootsTech2023 online this year. 💻 Here are just a few of the sessions we're interested in attending. You can register online now for FREE to gain access to the online sessions at http://www.familysearch.org/rootstech/register #rootstech #familyhistory #genealogy @familysearch @rootstechofficial
#rootstech2023 #Rootstech #familyhistory #genealogy
@dapperhistorian I really enjoyed your cemetery presentation at #RootsTech It was so informative. #genealogy
Those #RootsTech press releases are coming thick and fast! Ancestry has just launched StorymakerStudio and you can check it out here bit.ly/3kzldEw #ancestry #familyhistory #genealogy #writing
#Rootstech #ancestry #familyhistory #genealogy #writing
Participating in #RootsTech virtually and learning about European cemeteries #Genealogy #Genealogydons https://www.familysearch.org/rootstech/session/understanding-british-european-cemeteries
#Rootstech #genealogy #genealogydons
Our friends at @collectionaire_inc will be in-person at #RootsTech2023. 🤝 Be sure to visit their booth and hear just how well their services work with ours! #rootstech #familyhistory #genealogy
#rootstech2023 #Rootstech #familyhistory #genealogy
#RootsTech Documenter un parcours militaire durant la Première Guerre mondiale.
Vous souhaitez vous plonger dans le parcours #1GM de vos ancêtres ? Suivez la présentation @mangegenealogie. Claire, didactique, Mikael vous guide dans vos premiers pas.
#RootsTech commence aujourd'hui !
Pour ne rien manquer, rendez-vous sur http://rootstech.org
RT @FamilySearchEur
Ready for #RootsTech? Tomorrow the conference begins. Don't forget to tune in at http://rootstech.org
RT @johnboeren_nl
No #RootsTech for me this year. So, I checked the on-demand library. No new presentations on #Dutch #genealogy. Fortunately, my presentations from 2021 are still up. If you want to learn more about genealogy in the #Netherlands, you can always watch these. https://www.antecedentia.com/2023/03/rootstech-2023/
#Rootstech #dutch #genealogy #netherlands
Let's see if were' related! #Genealogy #RootsTech2023 #RootsTech #FamilyHistory https://www.familysearch.org/en/connect/b72a8a10-4959-4bd5-b39d-f99b00e8a946/friend/MMMW-FY5?cid=rar_copy
#genealogy #rootstech2023 #Rootstech #familyhistory
A question or the #FamilyHistory community and I'd love feedback from my faithful #Geneadons:
Will you be participating in #RootsTech this year?
Like many past exhibitors, we'll be participating only online this year. We'll have events, special offers, and live conversation from a registration-free Zoom-booth...
I'm wondering what kinds of things YOU would most like to see?
#familyhistory #Geneadons #Rootstech
Ready for RootsTech? Here are 5 things you need to do now with the Relatives at RootsTech tool before it goes away on 31 March 2023!
#rootstech #genealogy #FamilyHistory #geneadon
#Rootstech #genealogy #familyhistory #geneadon
#RootsTech is all about archivists and discovering your #familyhistory. How to unlock your treasures of long-forgotten photos, slides, negatives and home movies. It’s this simple and same-day FAST to digitize it all: http://ow.ly/fJIm50MGMrc