"Government, business, art, religion, all social institutions have... a purpose[:]... to set free the capacities of human individuals... [T]he test of their value is the extent to which they educate every individual into the full stature of his possibility."
- , Reconstruction in (1920) [as quoted by (1998)].

Wonder what kind of values would be returned were such tests applied to our social institutions, beginning with academia.


#dewey #philosophy #Rorty #pragmatism #experimentalism

Last updated 2 years ago

"Your devotion to is unlikely to be wholehearted if you believe, as monotheists typically do, that we can have of an "objective" ranking of human needs that can overrule the result of democratic consensus."
- Richard (1998).

Generally, I find Rorty to be a troublesome thinker, often unconcerned with revising his interpretations (as nevertheless befits his global ). This, however, is a powerful statement in favor of secularism.


#democracy #knowledge #Rorty #philosophy #pragmatism

Last updated 2 years ago

Nutt Los · @NuttLos
103 followers · 1501 posts · Server mastodon.social

Über das Glück des Denkens, das mich persönlich ereilt hat. Zu meiner eigenen Überraschung und gegen meine zwischenzeitlichen Annahmen.

Ein Video darüber, dass Theoretisieren einige von uns recht glücklich machen kann, und auch darüber, unter welchen Bedingungen Theorie keinen allgemeinen, gesellschaftlichen Schaden anrichtet:


#philosophie #philosophieren #Rorty #feyerabend #demokratie #Gleichwertigkeit #thirdpersonview #solon

Last updated 2 years ago

This 3-way interview from '02, featuring , + is very interesting.

Most interesting about it, to my mind, is that it's Putnam who comes across as most down-to-earth, most authentically, experientially connected with real-world concerns. In other words, who comes across as most genuinely . Even when referencing or , he is less abstract in tone and content than either Conant or, especially, Rorty. Symptomatic.



#Rorty #putnam #conant #pragmatist #kant #plato

Last updated 2 years ago

Thomas Gregersen · @PoliticalPhilo
624 followers · 35 posts · Server zirk.us

The new issue of "Philosophy & Social Criticism" (Vol. 48, No. 10) features articles on pragmatism (Dewey & Rorty), including:

* "Pragmatist democracy and the populist challenge" - Felix Petersen (open access)


* "Does the European left have to choose between the nation-state and internationalism?" - Martin Seeliger & Johannes Kiess (open access)



#philosophy #pragmatism #dewey #Rorty #criticaltheory #democracy

Last updated 2 years ago

La Vie des Idées · @laviedesidees
773 followers · 32 posts · Server piaille.fr

Richard Rorty multipragmatiste

a fait de la conversation un genre philosophique à part entière, qui l’a poussé à refuser toutes les distinctions stériles à ses yeux : entre l’analytique et le continental, entre les et la , entre la philosophie et la littérature.

par Stéphane Madelrieux

👉 laviedesidees.fr/Richard-Rorty

#Rorty #lumieres #postmodernite #philo #philosophie

Last updated 2 years ago

Nutt Los · @NuttLos
95 followers · 1260 posts · Server mastodon.social