@cmgunnarsson @DerekHolly7 There is gaschaint.ie also. It has a book to go with it, available from @ansiopaleabhar . It has all the dialects - in book & pronounciation on the site. Its more for parents that are teaching their kids but as a re-learner/foghlaimeoir i found it handy (I've no kids!)
Teanglann has an app -handy to have on your phone.
There's also old episodes uploaded of #RosNaRún to their channel on youtube. They've english subtitles but good for ur ear to listen to the language
@fabiomrbarbosa @DerekHolly7 @gaeilge
I watch old episodes of Ros na Rún soap from @TG4TV on YouTube. Its very handy.
They're conversing away in Irish & the subtitles are in English so u can follow the storyline.
Or let it play in the background while you're doing stuff & let your ears get used to the sounds.
They upload a few episodes a week. Theres loads there & way more to come. You can replay them as many times as you like!
Táim ag foghlaim #Gaeilge arís. Ní maith liom ranganna, tá anxiety agam - tá leabhar nótaí agam agus tá mé ag scríobh smidiríní isteach gach lá. Tá mé ag féachaint ar sean eipeasóid #RosNaRun ar youtube freisin. Tá mo Gaeilge briste ach tá mé ag déanamh mo dhícheall 😬
@MadSc13ntist Theres also this -
Ros Na Rún is uploading old episodes to their youtube channel most weeks. Its handy to watch - Irish speaking, english subtitles so its good for tuning the ear to listen to the words while being able to understand whats going on.
And the unexpected piss-taking out of Elon is very good too
@Fiachra Táim anseo 👋 Táim ag foghlaim #Gaeilge arís. Ní maith liom ranganna, tá anxiety agam - tá leabhar nótaí agam agus tá mé ag scríobh smidiríní isteach gach lá. Tá mé ag féachaint ar sean eipeasóid #RosNaRun ar youtube freisin. Tá mo Gaeilge briste ach tá mé ag déanamh mo dhícheall 😬
@Lundemo ah very good. You know how helpful it can be with tuning your ears to a language so. You might get sucked into the storyline of #RosNaRun on YouTube but it's quite good. Bear in mind they are old episodes though. 2 or 3 can go up at a time. They've got a lot uploaded now