I don't personally have any knowledge about whether the #AssemblyofFirstNations is particularly corrupt [0], or whether National Chief #RoseAnneArchibald is a good manager. Nor do I have full confidence in the reporting of #DianeFrancis . But it's an unexpected take on a controversy that briefly flaired into public consciousness.
[0] I wouldn't be surprised if there are some problems, but are they better or worse than the average Canadian municipality?
#nationalpost #firstnations #canpol #DianeFrancis #RoseAnneArchibald #AssemblyofFirstNations
Inside the chaos of the Assembly of First Nations national chief's office | CBC News https://bit.ly/3AmNALC #AFN #FirstNations #RoseAnneArchibald #cdnpoli
#AFN #firstnations #RoseAnneArchibald #cdnpoli
Assembly of First Nations National Chief RoseAnne Archibald suspended | CBC News https://bit.ly/3QqIUtL #AFN #RoseAnneArchibald #Harassment #Bullying #FirstNations #cdnpoli
#AFN #RoseAnneArchibald #harassment #bullying #firstnations #cdnpoli