See you round #RoseOfTralee , I've just found a channel showing a schlocky adaptation of Sheridan LeFanu's Carmilla.
I strongly suspect they pick the winner out of a hat as they are all very nice in their own way. #RoseOfTralee
@davey_cakes Tis part of the circle of the year, the drawing in of the evenings, kids are heading back to school, the lovely girls are strutting their stuff in Kerry, and mammies all over the country are judging carefully #RoseOfTralee
Enjoying #RoseOfTralee this year. Loving the diversity... So far been an #Autistic rose, an #ADHD rose, severly #Dylexic rose...
Had an old cry there watching the Clare Rose. What a strong woman.
#RoseOfTralee #autistic #adhd #dylexic #IrishTV
'Yet 'twas not her beauty alone that won me;
Oh no, 'twas the truth in her eyes ever dawning'
These lines are about road frontage right?
Definite Ken energy to the escorts. #RoseOfTralee #OriginalThought
#RoseOfTralee #originalthought
RT @azirishcenter: ✨ICLF WOMEN'S CONFERENCE ✨
From #RoseofTralee to MEP
Our first keynote speaker, @MariaWalshEU was named @RoseofTralee_ in 2014. She is currently the youngest MEP representing Western Ireland in Brussels.
It was a real pleasure to meet up again with gifted musician & proud @Carlowgaa supporter , Ollie Hennessy @RoseofTralee_ . Ollie was celebrating 25 yrs. as musical director of #RoseOfTralee . & what a great job he does. Here’s to another 25 yrs. Ollie! 👏 #FollowMeUpToCarlow
#RoseOfTralee #FollowMeUpToCarlow
RT @SenatorMarkDaly: We are back in the Dome
Me & my good friend 2014 Rose of Tralee & MEP Maria Walsh @MariaWalshEU #RoseOfTralee
What fantastic representation we have within our Irish Community world wide. Mná Na Héireann ❤️🌹@RoseofTralee_ #RoseOfTralee
Excitement building as #RoseOfTralee returns after #COVID19 . @daithi_ose has the confidence of Sam to help him interview all the lovely Roses from around the World. Special welcome to former @RoseofTralee_ , my colleague @MariaWalshEU .
RT @SeanKellyMEP: Excitement building as #RoseOfTralee returns after #COVID19 . @daithi_ose has the confidence of Sam to help him interview all the lovely Roses from around the World. Special welcome to former @RoseofTralee_ , my colleague @MariaWalshEU .
My thoughts on why @RoseofTralee_ is still relevant today, speaking to @IrishSunOnline