RT @Accion_Directa1@twitter.com
Female pigs used for breeding suffer tremendously through forcible impregnation, separation, and endless torture…from the moment they are born until they are killed
Stop Supporting Animal Cruelty
#AnimalRights #GoVegan #EndSpeciesism #Vegan #RosesLaw
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Accion_Directa1/status/1619330694962122753
#animalrights #govegan #endspeciesism #vegan #RosesLaw
𝐏𝐚ú𝐥 / Acción Directa (@Accion_Directa1): "Around 300 million chickens are, deprived, isolated, genetically manipulated, mutilated, and slaughtered for their eggs. Stop Supporting Animal Cruelty GoVegan🌱🌎 #AnimalRights #GoVegan #EndSpeciesism #Vegan #RosesLaw" | Nitter | PussTheCat.org – https://nitter.pussthecat.org/Accion_Directa1/status/1618247611466801152#m
#RosesLaw #Vegan #endspeciesism #govegan #animalrights
RT @Accion_Directa1
All the atrocities, the pain, and the misery that humanity forces on animals are the darkest chapter in our history.
Stop Supporting Animal Cruelty
#RosesLaw #Vegan #endspeciesism #govegan #animalrights
𝐏𝐚ú𝐥 / Acción Directa (@Accion_Directa1): "You won’t see this in a dairy commercial: Male baby cows being killed shortly after birth because they are unprofitable to the dairy industry, all so you can drink the milk intended for them. Stop Supporting Animal Cruelty GoVegan🌎🌱 #Dairy #GoVegan #EndSpeciesism #RosesLaw" | La Contre-Voie - nitter – https://nitter.lacontrevoie.fr/Accion_Directa1/status/1605538276319772674#m
#RosesLaw #endspeciesism #govegan #dairy
𝐏𝐚ú𝐥 / Acción Directa (@Accion_Directa1): "You won’t see this in a dairy commercial: Male baby cows being killed shortly after birth because they are unprofitable to the dairy industry, all so you can drink the milk intended for them. Stop Supporting Animal Cruelty GoVegan🌎🌱 #Dairy #GoVegan #EndSpeciesism #RosesLaw" | La Contre-Voie - nitter – https://nitter.lacontrevoie.fr/Accion_Directa1/status/1605538276319772674#m
#RosesLaw #endspeciesism #govegan #dairy
𝐏𝐚ú𝐥 / Acción Directa (@Accion_Directa1): "Pain, suffering, grief…can be experienced by all sentient beings on this planet, and it has the same meaning in every language. Stop Supporting Animal Cruelty GoVegan🌎🌱 #AnimalRights #GoVegan #EndSpeciesism #Vegan #RosesLaw" | La Contre-Voie - nitter – https://nitter.lacontrevoie.fr/Accion_Directa1/status/1603367191201677313#m
#RosesLaw #Vegan #endspeciesism #govegan #animalrights
𝐏𝐚ú𝐥 / Acción Directa (@Accion_Directa1): "Ducks raised for "foie gras" suffer immensely by having farmers forcibly feeding them shoving metal pipes down their throats in order to induce disease fatty liver. All for greed. Stop Supporting Animal Cruelty GoVegan🌎🌱 #AnimalRights #GoVegan #EndSpeciesism #Vegan #RosesLaw" | La Contre-Voie - nitter – https://nitter.lacontrevoie.fr/Accion_Directa1/status/1602640525487661057#m
#RosesLaw #Vegan #endspeciesism #govegan #animalrights
RT @Accion_Directa1@twitter.com
Some dairy farmers monitor what cows eat by cutting a hole in their side…in order to obtain the greatest possible productivity in milk and meat, all for Greed.
Stop Supporting Animal Cruelty.
#Dairy #AnimalRights #Govegan #EndSpeciesism #Vegan #RosesLaw
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Accion_Directa1/status/1601915974155911178
#dairy #animalrights #govegan #endspeciesism #vegan #RosesLaw
One of the cruel and standard practices of the Dairy industry is to separate baby cows from their mother and kill the males as "Veal" Just because you want their mother's milk.
Stop Supporting Animal Cruelty
#RosesLaw #endspeciesism #govegan #dairy #animalrights