#DidYouKnow: The #Rosette #Nebula (also known as Caldwell 49) is an H II region located near one end of a giant molecular cloud in the Monoceros region of the #MilkyWay #Galaxy.
A survey of the nebula with the Chandra X-ray Observatory has revealed the presence of approximately 2500 young stars inside optical Rosette Nebula and studded within a dense molecular cloud.
#galaxy #milkyway #nebula #Rosette #didyouknow
Razor: #Gillette Superspeed flaretip blackhandle
Blade : #feather Hi-stainless(1st time)
Brush : #Semogue 1305 boar
Soap : #Rosette Additive-Free Soap Facial Cleansing Foam
Alum : Maggard
AfterShave : LUCIDO Q10
#wetshaving #safetyrazor #Rosette #semogue #feather #gillette #shaveoftheday
Result of an #albumcover #illustration #commission for my new collection of musical #canons. Places #birds, #ouroboros, #rosette, #gems, and #comet in a new relationship. Details here:
#albumcover #illustration #commission #canons #birds #ouroboros #Rosette #gems #comet
In the Heart of the #Rosette #Nebula
#Astronomy #Picture of the Day
#Rosette #nebula #astronomy #picture #apod
#caldwell49 #caldwell50 #rosette #ngc2244 from 4 panels each 20 mins (60sx20) processed in @SiriL_Official@twitter.com and mosaicked @affinitybyserif@twitter.com -not many mins on the subject and only around the core but still a great sight! #astro #eaa @xRMMike@twitter.com @KevinAstrokev@twitter.com @clarkjames70@twitter.com
#caldwell49 #caldwell50 #Rosette #ngc2244 #astro #eaa
Chum very kindly swung by my work today, knowing she wouldn't see me tomorrow, to drop of yummy chocs and this rather spiffing birthday rosette, which I can also use to cosplay as a winning pony at a gymkhana.
#chocolates #birthday #Rosette
Salami dans tous ses états le Jeannot !
#bfn #breakingfakenews #humour #mème #castex #légiondhonneur #rosette #élysée
Abonnez-vous !
#bfn #breakingfakenews #humour #meme #Castex #legiondhonneur #Rosette #elysee
The Rosette Nebula or Skull Nebula, whichever way you look at it!
#astrophotogrraphy #space #photography #Astrodon #AstroHour #rosette #nightsky #astronomy
#astrophotogrraphy #space #photography #Astrodon #astrohour #Rosette #nightsky #astronomy
I wonder is it for the Climate Change🥴,
but the borages sown in September are developing the flowers🌸 now, while their leaves are flat on the ground, preparing for the winter❄.
It's my second try for borage and I wish they can make it this time...
#gardening #herb #herbs
#vegetables #climatechange #rosette
#flower #flowers
#plant #plants
#japan #plants #plant #flowers #flower #Rosette #climatechange #vegetables #herbs #herb #gardening
More pieces from the box of memories.
This was in my beginnings trying to play with a variety of colors and shines.
But I never finished it. Maybe someday I'll try it from the scratch.
Image based on a sculpture I made during college.
I'll probably post it soon <3
#fantasyArt #wip #shiny #elf #rosette #workinprogress
#workinprogress #Rosette #elf #shiny #wip #fantasyart
Übrigens gestern im #Garten,
#Königskerze #Rosette,
#Pflanze mit #Schnee bedeckt. :blobcoffee:
#schnee #pflanze #Rosette #königskerze #garten
KnowledgeBit: The #Rosette #Nebula (also known as Caldwell 49) is an H II region located near one end of a giant molecular cloud in the Monoceros region of the Milky Way Galaxy.
A survey of the nebula with the Chandra X-ray Observatory has revealed the presence of approximately 2500 young stars inside optical Rosette Nebula and studded within a dense molecular cloud.
Rosetta Nebula is also referred by some as “The #Skull #Nebula”. Can you see why?
This is Samira Mian's latest patreon design from this month. I'm a bit behind in constructing them so went for the most recent one first and went for a 3x3 tessellation of the tile. Used radius of 3cm so overall its 18cm by 18cm. Really nice and unusual 6 and 8 fold design ❤️
#mathsart #islamicart #islamicdesign #islamicgeometry #geometricpattern #geometricart #geometry #sacredart #circlegeometry #circles #rulerandcompass #rosette
#Rosette #rulerandcompass #circles #circlegeometry #sacredart #geometry #geometricart #geometricpattern #IslamicGeometry #islamicdesign #islamicart #mathsart
Τρίτη που μοιάζει με Δευτέρα. Overslept μεν, αλλά δεν άργησα. Werk, werk, werk...
O Ιεροφάντης λέει ότι θα συνεχίσω το ίδιο λουπ. Μάλλον μιλάει για τους παραλογισμούς, που φέρνει η υπερανάλυση. Ίσως πάλι στα σκαλωματα μου.
Θέλω να της στείλω, αλλά ακόμα δεν έχει διαβάσει καν το τελευταίο που έστειλα.
#backtowork #astrophotography #Monoceros #Rosette
#OnThisDay 15. Juli 1799: Das Pferd von Pierre François Xavier Bouchard stolpert im Nildelta über einen Stein (so die Legende). Darauf: eine Inschrift in drei Sprachen.
Die Geschichte des Steins von #Rosette, die Entzifferung der #Hieroglyphen und das internationale "Digital Rosetta Stone Project" in einer tollen virtuellen Ausstellung mit hochauflösenden (3D-)Grafiken 👇
#Hieroglyphen #Rosette #onthisday
#stem #Rosette #nebula #astronomy #picture #apod
Pierre de #Rosette
En arabe : Hadjar el Rachid et Rachid est le nom de la ville égyptienne près de laquelle a été découverte cette pierre.
#Traduction #Champollion … Grenoble ? 😉
#Rosette #traduction #champollion