Video: #DonaldTrump Vows To “Totally Obliterate The #DeepState” In “The Final Battle”
Hey Donald, this time are you going to arrest #Koch, #Soros, #Gates, #Fauci, #KlausSchwab, #fjb, Busk-Klinton, Barack Hussein #Obama Soetoro Soebarkah? Captial Punishment on them!? How about ending relations with the #UK until King Charles turns the #Rothschilds over for prosecution! - #DemandCapitalPunishment -
#DemandCapitalPunishment #Rothschilds #uk #obama #FJB #klausschwab #fauci #gates #soros #koch #DeepState #donaldtrump
In other words, a #JEW, started the #Illuminati; & was paid to do so, by #Rothschilds! And ALL #Jesuits are Crypto Jews! #AdamWeishaupt was not Catholic, he was a #CryptoJew; meaning he pretended to be Catholic, but was 100% Practicing satanic #Judaism!!!!
#JesuitsAreJews #JesuitsAreCryptoJews #judaism #CRYPTOJew #AdamWeishaupt #JESUITS #Rothschilds #illuminati #jew
In other words, a #JEW, started the #Illuminati; & was paid to do so, by #Rothschilds! And ALL #Jesuits are Crypto Jews! #AdamWeishaupt was not Catholic, he was a #CryptoJew; meaning he pretended to be Catholic, but was 100% Practicing satanic #Judaism!!!!
#JesuitsAreJews #JesuitsAreCryptoJews #judaism #CRYPTOJew #AdamWeishaupt #JESUITS #Rothschilds #illuminati #jew
Dixie Doodle
Original Gabber
The Scoop, On #CyrusScofield and the evil Heresy of #ChristianZionism (a scheme of the Satanic Family, the #Rothschilds, to fool christians into supporting, what God and Jesus DO NOT!)
Click here
#Rothschilds #christianzionism #CyrusScofield