#XFinity might charge a lot including charging extra just to use my own cable modem and remove their home internet data cap, but at least they left my IP alone. Recently, my home network IP changed for the first time in two years and all my self-hosted sites went down as a result. Here I will cover how to check #AWS #Route53 for all A records matching an IP, correct them with #Bash and lastly create #Ansible playbooks to check and auto remediate into the future https://freshbrewed.science/2023/07/18/fixing-ip.html
#ansible #bash #Route53 #aws #xfinity
I had such a nice time setting up a new domain on #AWS #Route53 with @arcserverless I've decided to transfer all my #domains away from #GoogleDomains!
Say what you will about #Amazon, they've built a very workable cloud platform.
#amazon #googledomains #domains #Route53 #aws
I deployed my first fully #AWS website tonight using @enhance_dev #Route53 #APIGateway #Certificates #DNS #serverless
Who needs Netlify and Zeit!? I'm an ADULT! I can pay my own AWS bills!
(thanks for the help @brianleroux , @tbeseda @Kj on the Discord w/e they are on the fediverse)
#serverless #dns #certificates #APIGateway #Route53 #aws