Bloodaxe · @bloodaxe
245 followers · 518 posts · Server

How do people actually stick to routines? πŸ˜… My lack of discipline is hurting my potential gain of discipline...

#help #Routines #howto

Last updated 2 years ago

Gamify Your Habits · @gamifyyourhabits
0 followers · 4 posts · Server

I like to put my phone away when I go to bed to tell my mind & body it is time to rest. You could try setting your weights in front of your TV if you do at-home workouts or keeping your laptop at your desk only.

This creates environmental cues for your brain to associate a specific habit or task with a location for optimal success!

What’s a zone that you can set up in your home this week?

#selfimprovement #Routines #motivation #habit #successful #gamifyyourhabits

Last updated 2 years ago

Just Liz · @justliz
136 followers · 416 posts · Server

5 Strategies to Make and Keep Routines With Adult ADHD: Reduce stress and anxiety by building habits that improve daily patterns.

#adhd #stress #anxiety #Routines #habits

Last updated 2 years ago

FiXato · @FiXato
393 followers · 9412 posts · Server

I'm trying to create new routines and habits, and one of them is the finding a sleep / wake rhythm that works for me.
I'm really bad at getting up early, but I've found that getting up really early actually is easier. I think the sweet spot for me is around 6:00 or 6:30. Tried 5:00 today, but that was too early...

It does mean I need a nap later in the day, but currently that isn't much of an issue.

Along with getting up earlier, is putting the dishes to soak at the same time as I put on the kettle on for the missus' coffee, and my tea.

It's small steps, but it seems to help. Getting some of the housework started early on makes it easier to continue with it; getting it done early in the day, gives some calmer headspace too.

#health #mentalhealth #habits #Routines #personal #circadianrhythm

Last updated 3 years ago

Kevin Sonney πŸ“ · @ksonney
977 followers · 5147 posts · Server

Episode 133 – Long Hours, Michelle Wexelblat Redux

Hi folks! We're back this week with a discussion of the pressures of deadlines, and how much work we're both putting in. This also includes a brief discussion of the difficulties o


#Episodes #MichelleWexelblat #Arisia #burnout #convention #FemaleHealth #googleapps #HabitTracker #Routines #self #Therapist #therapy #trauma #WaterTracker

Last updated 5 years ago

Kevin Sonney πŸ“ · @ksonney
977 followers · 5147 posts · Server

Episode 132 – New Book, Jadzia Axelrod

This week we talk about the wrapping up of Kevin's most recent article series, the new small hen, Ursula's next book release, and how we were and were not productive this past week. And then we have Jadzia Axelrod o

#Episodes #JadziaAxelrod #artist #author #bulletjournal #coffee #comics #Deadlines #GoogleCalendar #mom #podcaster #podcasts #Routines #trans #writer

Last updated 5 years ago