🛰️📱J. Hanke vous propose une solution pour monter et utiliser un kit de géolocalisation à haute précision (mobile/rover RTK) : https://geotribu.fr/articles/2023/2023-09-09_tutoriel-geolocalisation-haute-precision/
🙏 aux relecteurs : @tetranos, A. Vandecasteele, @GabPoujol, L. Bartoletti, @geojulien, @Data_Wax
Documento. SHERLOC Explores Martian Geology
#PerseveranceMarsRover2020 #Mars2020 #perseverance #rover #sherloc
#perseverancemarsrover2020 #mars2020 #perseverance #Rover #SHERLOC
Just hanging out with my human and robot friends at NASA/JPL. #JPL #rover #Marshelicopter #MarsYard
#JPL #Rover #marshelicopter #marsyard
Documento. The Mars 2020 Perseverance Rover from the Perspective of a Science Systems Engineer
#Perseverance-MarsRover2020 #engineer #mars #perseverance #rover
#perseverance #engineer #mars #Rover
Documento. First 210 solar days of Mars 2020 Perseverance Robotic Operations – Mobility, Robotic Arm, Sampling, and Helicopter
#MarsHelicopter-Ingenuity #Perseverance-MarsRover2020 #ingenuity #mars #perseverance #rover #status
#marshelicopter #perseverance #ingenuity #mars #Rover #status
Planetenerkundung nach Vorbild von Hänsel und Gretel. Sensor-"Brotkrumen" könnten robotische Erkundung von Mars, Mond und Co erleichtern. #Mond #Mars #Rover #Sensor https://www.scinexx.de/news/technik/planetenerkundung-nach-vorbild-von-haensel-und-gretel/
Here’s an article with some amazing still images and GIFs of Martian clouds taken by the Mars Curiosity Rover. #Mars #Rover #curiosityrover #astronomy
#astronomy #curiosityrover #Rover #mars
FINALLY. Tube 10 on the surface!
#Perseverance #Rover #Mars #MarsSampleReturn #NASAJPL
#perseverance #Rover #mars #MarsSampleReturn #nasajpl
Mais continuons l'intégration de notre #rover #MMX au @CNES à Toulouse. Mi-septembre 2022 désormais.
Et comme c'était #Noel hier, 2 photos aujourd'hui, hohoho 🎅
L'instrument RAX a été intégré. On voit la partie détecteur en haut à gauche, à côté des NavCams, tout enmitouflée de MLI.
Gänsehautentzündung, quasi. „My battery is low, and it’s getting cold.“ #goodnightoppy #opportunity #rover
#goodnightoppy #opportunity #Rover
There’s been some seriously wonderful images of the Martian landscape coming the #Perseverance Rover lately. I thought we could all do with a reminder of how magnificent #Percy itself looked. Digital artwork (Adobe Fresco). #DigitalArt #Mars #Rover
#Rover #mars #DigitalArt #percy #perseverance
⚠️ Possible #organic #compounds found in #Mars #crater #rocks - A #study published in #Science analyses multiple rocks found at the bottom of #JezeroCrater on Mars, where the #Perseverance #rover landed in 2020, revealing significant interaction between the rocks and #liquid #water. Those rocks also contain evidence consistent with the presence of organic compounds.
#organic #compounds #mars #crater #rocks #study #science #JezeroCrater #perseverance #Rover #liquid #water
Possible #organic #compounds found in #Mars #crater #rocks - A #study published in #Science analyses multiple rocks found at the bottom of #JezeroCrater on Mars, where the #Perseverance #rover landed in 2020, revealing significant interaction between the rocks and #liquid #water. Those rocks also contain evidence consistent with the presence of organic compounds.
#organic #compounds #mars #crater #rocks #study #science #JezeroCrater #perseverance #Rover #liquid #water
Nachdem mein #Wetter #Raspi die meisten Testläufe bestanden hat und bald ausgewildert wird, geht es nun in die nächte #Bastelstunde:
Ein mit primitivster #Elektrotechnik vollgestopfter #Rover mit Webcam an Bord. Energie für den #Raspi via Powerbank, Motoren 8x1,5V...
#wetter #raspi #bastelstunde #elektrotechnik #Rover #python #code #munster
Apropos of Mars, here’s this little bowling ball of a rock with its own wind tail or ripple friend, hanging out next to this smol tea saucer crater.
#JezeroCrater #Mars #mars2020 #perseverance #Rover
#JezeroCrater #mars #mars2020 #perseverance #Rover