Eros playing double flutes from the #RoyalOntarioMuseum #GreekInstruments #DoubleFlute #Amphora
#RoyalOntarioMuseum #greekinstruments #doubleflute #amphora
#FossilAdventCalendar Day 14
This #fossil of Albertonia cupidinia, from Wapiti Lake, #BritishColumbia and displayed in the #RoyalOntarioMuseum, comes from an important time in fish #evolution. It was during the #Triassic Period, as dinosaurs and mammals were getting their start on land, that #ray-finned fish (the group that dominates our planet's #waters today) were really starting to take off. Its large fins supported by thin bony rays show that Albertonia was was part of this #radiation.
#fossiladventcalendar #fossil #britishcolumbia #RoyalOntarioMuseum #Evolution #triassic #ray #waters #radiation
#FossilAdventCalendar Day 13
#BritishColumbia is full of #lagerstΓ€tten (sites of exceptional #fossil #preservation), including the sites of the #Eocene #Okanagan. Here, a series of #ancient #lakes preserve #fossils of #leaves, #insects, and the oldest #salmon. Rarest of all are #arachnids: this fossil of the #spider Palaeoperenethis thaleri in the #RoyalOntarioMuseum is the only one of its kind, but it's #preserved well enough to identify it as a relative of fishing #spiders
#fossiladventcalendar #terrestrialtuesday #britishcolumbia #lagerstatten #fossil #preservation #eocene #okanagan #ancient #lakes #fossils #Leaves #insects #salmon #arachnids #spider #RoyalOntarioMuseum #preserved #spiders
#FossilAdventCalendar Day 12
#BritishColumbia's π¨π¦ #BurgessShale is one of our planet's most important important (and beautiful) #fossil sites. Sitting high in #BC's #RockyMountains, it's a window into the early evolution of #animals. Among its weird wonders is Hallucigenia (seen here in fossil and sculpture form at the #RoyalOntarioMuseum), a distant relative of #arthropods so unlike anything alive today that for years it was reconstructed upside down and backwards.
#fossiladventcalendar #MarineLifeMonday #britishcolumbia #burgessshale #fossil #bc #RockyMountains #animals #RoyalOntarioMuseum #Arthropods
#FossilAdventCalendar Day 6
This #fossil, Erpetonyx aresnaultorum from the #RoyalOntarioMuseum, may look a bit like a #lizard, but it's something else entirely. Uncovered from the #Carboniferous #EgmontBay Formation on #PrinceEdwardIsland π¨π¦, it's one of the oldest #parareptiles, a lineage of #animals related to but distinct from true #reptiles. While they were among the first vertebrates to transition to life on land, parareptiles went #extinct over 200 million years ago.
#fossiladventcalendar #terrestrialtuesday #fossil #RoyalOntarioMuseum #lizard #Carboniferous #egmontbay #princeedwardisland #parareptiles #animals #reptiles #extinct
#FossilAdventCalendar Day 5
Most #fish species alive today, from #salmon to #guppies, belong to a single group. In the #Devonian, though, many lineages were abundant. #Quebec's π¨π¦ #ParcNationalDeMiguasha provides a glimpse of this #biodiversity, which includes #lungfish such as Scaumenacia curta, shown here in the #RoyalOntarioMuseum. Their lobed fins contain many of the same #bones as our arms, evidence that lungfish are much more closely related to us than to most other fish.
#fossiladventcalendar #MarineLifeMonday #fish #salmon #guppies #devonian #quebec #parcnationaldemiguasha #biodiversity #lungfish #RoyalOntarioMuseum #bones
#FossilAdventCalendar Day 4
The oddest and - at over 560 million years in age - oldest #fossil featured in this #AdventCalendar is Fractofusus misrai from #Newfoundland π¨π¦. This specimen in the #RoyalOntarioMuseum is from #MistakenPoint, one of the sites preserving the #Ediacaran #biota, the term for some of our planet's oldest #multicellular #fossils. Lots of questions remain about these ancient enigmas, among them, were #Ediacarans #animals or members of a different branch of the tree of life?
#fossiladventcalendar #fossil #adventcalendar #newfoundland #RoyalOntarioMuseum #mistakenpoint #ediacaran #biota #multicellular #fossils #ediacarans #animals
#FossilAdventCalendar Day 3
We're jumping to the #Maritimes today to celebrate one of #Canada's π¨π¦ most important #fossil sites. #NovaScotia's #JogginsFossilCliffs are a window into the #Carboniferous, a period that saw the spread of a new #biome: #forests. The #fossilized #tree on display here at the #RoyalOntarioMuseum is a #lycopsid, a super-sized relative of living #ClubMosses that, along with #cycads, #ferns, and early relatives of #seed #plants made up the #flora of the #Joggins #forest.
#fossiladventcalendar #Maritimes #canada #fossil #novascotia #jogginsfossilcliffs #Carboniferous #biome #forests #fossilized #tree #RoyalOntarioMuseum #lycopsid #clubmosses #Cycads #ferns #seed #plants #flora #joggins #forest
#FossilAdventCalendar Day 2
Heading north along #Ontario's π¨π¦ #NiagaraEscarpment brings us to the #BrucePeninsula, where these #Silurian #scorpions were found. Displayed in and named by scientists at the #RoyalOntarioMuseum, Eramoscorpius brucensis lived in the #ocean, but its relatives were among the first #animals on land. Its sturdy legs and the locality at which these #fossils were found hint that this #marine #scorpion may have already been venturing onto #beaches to #molt.
#fossiladventcalendar #fossilfriday #ontario #niagaraescarpment #brucepeninsula #silurian #Scorpions #RoyalOntarioMuseum #ocean #animals #fossils #marine #scorpion #beaches #molt
#FossilAdventCalendar Day 1
We begin our journey north in #Ontario, #Canada π¨π¦, with the #Welland #mastodon (Mammut americanum) unearthed close to #NiagaraFalls and exhibited in the #RoyalOntarioMuseum. Like all #proboscideans - the group that also includes #elephants - #mastodons had #tusks, but one is missing from this individual. The fact that the socket for its left tusk is closed suggests that this was a birth defect rather than the result of injury or disease.
#fossiladventcalendar #ontario #canada #welland #Mastodon #niagarafalls #RoyalOntarioMuseum #proboscideans #elephants #mastodons #tusks
To whet your appetite for the #FossilAdventCalendar, here are some fossils from the #RoyalSaskatchewanMuseum and #RoyalOntarioMuseum that December just has too few days to be able to include (but never fear, both #museums will be well represented over the next few weeks). Check back tomorrow for the official start of the calendar!
#fossiladventcalendar #royalsaskatchewanmuseum #RoyalOntarioMuseum #museums
Hello Mastodon! Like so many of you, I'm new to the site and as a #paleontologist interested in mammal evolution, I figured what better way to introduce myself than sharing some of my favorite photos of the majestic American mastodon, Mammut americanum? Here it is, at London's #NaturalHistoryMuseum, Toronto's #RoyalOntarioMuseum, LA's #LaBreaTarPits, and the #DenverMuseumofNatureandScience!
#paleontologist #NaturalHistoryMuseum #RoyalOntarioMuseum #LaBreaTarPits #DenverMuseumofNatureandScience