RT @JohnHyphen@twitter.com
this is completely over the top
police in Brussels using excessive force on peaceful protesters at the #royalrebellion occupying a square to demand action on #climatebreakdown
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/JohnHyphen/status/1183103088401551360
#climatebreakdown #RoyalRebellion
RT @XR_Belgium@twitter.com
Join the #RoyalRebellion taking place at the Place Royale right now and be part of the #InternationalRebellion!
People's assemblies are carrying on as planned. #JoinTheRebellion to talk about #ClimateBreakdown.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/XR_Belgium/status/1183021740340985856
#climatebreakdown #jointherebellion #internationalrebellion #RoyalRebellion