. Our man in a like a .

Meanwhile in the decrepit work to keep us ignorant and focused on myopic and sensationalised stories.

So little substance.

They must think are stupid.

#julianassange #glassBox #zooExhibit #australia #establishmentMedia #RoyalTrash #Australians

Last updated 5 years ago

When it comes to reporting on , in were equally pathetic.

Its clear to us that the has been taken over by the . We are sure they must be very well paid to publish , and myopic social etiquette pieces, between messaging.

Maybe they are not well paid but hope to be recruited by the . If so they need to cover more .

#julianassange #ourABC #australia #australian #NationalBroadcaster #securitystate #recipes #migrationStories #racist #antiChina #MurdochEmpire #RoyalTrash

Last updated 5 years ago