RT @JoachimSchork
Introduction to the patchwork add-on package for the R programming language (including example codes and videos). Simple functions for combining ggplot2 plots in plot compositions: https://statisticsglobe.com/patchwork-r-package
#RStats #VisualAnalytics #Rpackage #DataVisualization #ggplot2
#ggplot2 #rstats #Rpackage #datavisualization #VisualAnalytics
Had a great time organising and presenting a pre-conference workshop explaining #ipm and the #Rpackage ipmr and RPadrino yesterday at the #sfe2gfoe2022, with these awesome colleagues. Thanks @gfoe, SFE2 and EEF for organising what's sure to be an awesome conference
I must admit that I find it more and more exciting every week to see how many scientists are joining Mastodon 😃 !
So far, I remained pretty silent about what I am actually doing in the lab, which is #bioinformatics, #RStats #Rpackage #dev and #cancer #epigenomics .
#bioinformatics #RStats #Rpackage #dev #cancer #Epigenomics
If you are in #Cambridge tomorrow, I will be at the #Archaeology Department to talk about
"Integrating #paleoclimate into the study of the past"
I will also be presenting #pastclim v. 1.1, our #Rpackage to extract and manipulate past #climate data:
#cambridge #archaeology #paleoclimate #pastclim #Rpackage #Climate