Some of the other birds we encountered were Scarlet Honeyeaters, an Azure Kingfisher, a Rufous Fantail, and a Large-Billed Scrubwren.
#bird #AustralianWildlife #WildOz #ScarletHoneyeater #AzureKingfisher #RufousFantail #LargeBilledScrubwren
#bird #AustralianWildlife #wildoz #ScarletHoneyeater #azurekingfisher #RufousFantail #LargeBilledScrubwren
Some small birds from the backyard.
An Eastern Yellow Robin, a female Golden Whistler and a Rufous Fantail.
#bird #AustralianWildlife #WildOz #EasternYellowRobin #GoldenWhistler #RufousFantail
#bird #AustralianWildlife #wildoz #easternyellowrobin #GoldenWhistler #RufousFantail
An inquisitive Rufous Fantail in a brief moment of stillness.
Spotted next to the veranda just now.
#nature #photo #bird #RufousFantail #AustralianWildlife