The irony of America’s former president shouting “Never Surrender” as he literally SURRENDERS is not lost on me in this ironic era. 🍿🍿🍿

#trump #indicment #traitor #constitution #RuleOfLaw #crook #illegal

Last updated 1 year ago

Ande Jacobson · @goodreedAJ
96 followers · 867 posts · Server

It seems like Trump is daring the courts to take action against him so that he can play the martyr and continue his grift to gain further financial support from his followers. Thing is, he knows where the line is and will go right up to it. I really hope that his antics end up moving the trials much sooner rather than later, and we see a verdict in the federal J6 trial before the spring primaries. He doesn't seem to understand that he is not in control here.

#RuleOfLaw #indictment #justice

Last updated 1 year ago

VannaBlack · @VannaBlack
96 followers · 307 posts · Server

Last week was T.I.T. (Trump Indictment Tuesday) and this week is an even better one, T.A.T. (Trump Arraignment Tuesday!) I’m considering it an appetizer for the deep, elaborate legal buffet to follow. It seems just that the Mango Menace is getting tatted for abusing titties! Let karma prevail!

#trumpindicmenttuesday #trumparrainmenttuesday #tacotuesday #tututuesday #mangomenace #RuleOfLaw #stormydaniels #titfortat

Last updated 2 years ago

A L Katz · @Alan
643 followers · 1404 posts · Server
Mike Artobello · @MikeArtobello
14 followers · 41 posts · Server

A good day for democracy and the rule of law 🇺🇸

#democracy #RuleOfLaw #justice

Last updated 2 years ago

Ande Jacobson · @goodreedAJ
27 followers · 161 posts · Server

We are still a country of laws. We may be facing stresses that those of us alive today have not seen before, but the system works. Stewart Rhodes has been found guilty of seditious conspiracy.

This does not bode well for the former president, but it is good for the country.

#dojinvestigation #RuleOfLaw

Last updated 2 years ago

A L Katz · @Alan
149 followers · 374 posts · Server

America's been having the wrong argument about guns for eons.

Since the gun lobby hijacked the Second Amendment - and re-imagined it from a gun control amendment - that's what it is - to a "have all the guns ya want!" amendment - which it absolutely isn't. In fact, the 2A does NOT give everyone the "right" to own all the guns they want. For starters, the word "OWN" isn't in the Second Amendment.

Not anywhere.

Don't bother pointing to "keep" or "bear". In contract English - the Constitution's language (where SPECIFICITY is essential - cos contracts) only "own" equals "own". Owners can allow others to keep and bear their property. That conveys no ownership whatsoever.

Ask any rental car company.

All gun ownership - per the 2A belongs too the well regulated militias". And those weren't gangs of psychotic men needing therapy. These days, we refer to the state militias as the National Guard.

If I were to serve in the Guard, when I show up, I won't bring my own weapons. They will provide them. And then, when it's time to go back to my life, I will return the weapons given me (to keep & bear) to the National Guard - the militia. Because the militia is the firearm's rightful OWNER.

Just like it says in the 2A.

There is no right to individual gun ownership anywhere in the Constitution.

Even Antonin Scalia knew that. Guess how many times the word "own" appears in his Heller decision. Zero. Scalia himself could not put the word "own" where it never existed - in the 2A. In the decision's conclusion, Scalia uses the word "possess" to describe the "right" he's wringing from nothing.

Scalia was a clever man being clever - but not even remotely honest. He knnew that ONE of the definitions of "possess" is "own". One of them. But it doesn't flow in the other direction. It certainly wouldn't in any contract, HE would ever sign.

Scalia couldn't put the word "own" into Heller because then he'd have had to explain FIRST why "own" wasn't in the 2A to begin with. He knew he couldn't do that. That's why "own" isn't in Heller.

Because "own" isn't in the 2A.

America - we need to stop having the gun lobby's argument. It's bullshit. We need to reframe this from sanity's POV. From the English language's POV.

#guns #guncontrol #walmart #shooting #violence #gunviolence #secondamendment #sanity #english #RuleOfLaw #therapy

Last updated 2 years ago

Ken Syring · @kensyring
1 followers · 1 posts · Server

Hello, ! It’s great to meet you. Join me here for regular thoughts on and , political and , the intersection of those issues with hyper-militarized in our society, and the reforms we need to make to reinforce American and the . 

…and, fair warning, don’t be surprised if you also get a healthy dose of random tidbits and commentary.

#mastodon #disinformation #misinformation #extremism #Authoritarianism #police #democracy #RuleOfLaw #history #startrek

Last updated 2 years ago

Ken Syring · @kensyring
1 followers · 2 posts · Server

Hello, @mastodon! It’s great to meet you. Join me here for regular thoughts on and , political and , the intersection of those issues with hyper-militarized in our society, and the reforms we need to make to reinforce American and the .

…and, fair warning, don’t be surprised if you also get a healthy dose of random tidbits and commentary.

#disinformation #misinformation #extremism #Authoritarianism #police #democracy #RuleOfLaw #history #startrek

Last updated 2 years ago

Ken Syring · @kensyring
1 followers · 1 posts · Server

Hello, ! It’s great to meet you. Join me here for regular thoughts on and , political and , the intersection of those issues with hyper-militarized in our society, and the reforms we need to make to reinforce American and the .

…and, fair warning, don’t be surprised if you also get a healthy dose of random tidbits and commentary.

#mastodon #disinformation #misinformation #extremism #Authoritarianism #police #democracy #RuleOfLaw #history #startrek

Last updated 2 years ago

Mark · @mark
4 followers · 944 posts · Server

RT @NakadPhd
Another youth care victim - loving mother of a deported child - driven to suicide…

Tonight a death wake in the city of Gouda.


Last updated 2 years ago

Brian Pagán (he/they) · @brian
85 followers · 313 posts · Server

Yay! Good news: Dutch secret services will destroy the illegal data they collected on millions of citizens, thanks to @bitsoffreedom.

This is a win for , , , and the . Thank you @Lot_ten and @chickpurchase!

#RuleOfLaw #humanrights #democracy #privacy

Last updated 2 years ago